Slovenian sonar Skypod mobile homes are something special. They enable placement anywhere in nature without sacrificing the level of comfort offered by urban life. It is an environmentally friendly living unit that brings the freedom of tenting, but for which you do not have to give up the "rights" to the comforts of home. There are three versions available, Deluxe, Nature and Suite, and in most cases you don't need a planning permission for these larch structures.
JoinedJune 4, 2014
Sometimes I walk around the keyboard, sometimes in nature. One time I twist the heels, the other time the kitchen. I press the trigger once, the pedals a second time. And one time I play the role of a moviegoer, another time a nanny. Life offers such a wide range of things that it would be pointless to dip your brush in just a color or two, right?
Speed has always been an obsession for man. Being the fastest is the desire of athletes and many cars, because the title brings eternal, well, at least five minutes of fame. Humans are driven to push boundaries, and the fastest in the world are those who have pushed this boundary the longest. Check out the compilation of speed records of all living things.
The Night Before is neither a 1988 movie nor a Beatles song. It is a film coming out at the end of 2015 from the creators who gave us Neighbors and "almost" The Killer Interview, so it should be pretty clear what kind of comedy it is. Especially if we add to that that it stars Seth Rogen, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Anthony Mackie as a trio of best friends who have spent the last 14 Christmases together. But in the meantime, the boys have grown up and decided that the fifteenth Christmas will be their last together.
Canon ME20F-SH with an ISO sensitivity of 4 million - a video camera that sees what your eyes cannot
The ME20F-SH is Canon's new camcorder that sees what your eyes can't, allowing you to shoot in daylight or at night with an unsurpassed sensitivity of ISO 4 million (+75 dB) and infrared light, opening the door to worlds that until now you didn't know. It is small, light, with an innovative cube design, compatible with a large collection of EF2 lenses (EF mount with Cinema Lock) and the possibility of remote control.
The future is here. Lexus was not kidding with its Slide floating board and upgraded the June promotional video with a demonstration video, where the superconducting board was put to the test at the Cubelles skating rink in Barcelona. Check out how she fared and what professional surfer Ross McGouran had to say about her.
Women usually fall into two camps when it comes to men with body and facial hair. On one side there are those who can hardly resist such men, and on the other end there are those who don't care. Beard, mustache, "love carpet", hairy back, clean appearance, baldness, etc., strongly divide women's opinions, but they change over the years. Still, back hair never really meets with high approval, while chest hair has a much larger following. Check out what other women think about other types of body and facial hair in men.
Remember Isaiah Webb aka Incredibeard? The husband has got some serious competition in the bizarreness of what to do with his beard. But creative director Adriano Alarcon took a different approach to his Fifty Fifty Selfie Barber Shop project, leaving half of his hipster beard intact and shaving the other half and swapping the hair for various objects and creatures. Cockroaches, chocolate crumbs, ants, popcorn, sharpening remnants and other objects "overgrew" exactly half of his face.
The supernatural thriller The Last Witch Hunter boasts a star-studded cast. After the car chase, Vin Diesel is now chasing witches as the immortal Kaulder, who has been fighting the forces of evil for years, and now joins forces with a witch (Rose Leslie) and a priest (Elijah Wood) to take down the biggest threat yet, which with side of witches against humanity. In other words, Vin Diesel is Vin Diesel again.
What do power naps, cute online animal videos and music have in common? According to some research, all of them have been scientifically proven to increase our productivity at work. Yes, even cat videos, as they have a beneficial effect on our memory, level of alertness, performance and mood, among other things. But what are the other tricks with which we can increase our productivity, read below.
It's been a while since the last real romantic comedy, and Some Kind of Beautiful seems to be aiming straight for the heart of the genre. It stars ex-secret agent 007 and the ever-charming Pierce Brosnan, joined by the ever-young Salma Hayek and the ever-cute Jessica Alba, movie sisters who both end up under the sheets with a poetry professor.
Last year we reported that Marko Korošec became the winner of the National Geographic Traveler magazine photography contest. Unfortunately, there are no Slovenians among this year's winners of the Traveler Photo Contest 2015, so there is no shortage of stunning photos. The stormy supercell ("Independence Day") of the Slovenian storm chaser was succeeded by the underwater photograph "Whale Whisperers" by Anuar Patjana Floriuk.
The world of luxury watches is awash with tributes to human greed, but American company Nico Gerard has still somehow managed to create a timepiece that stands out. Namely, they made a wristwatch that was combined with the Apple Watch smart watch. It's not a crossover, their idea was to wear both watches at the same time. That's why the Pinnacle has a classic Swiss-made analog wristwatch on the front, and an Apple Watch on the other. Why, you ask? Because five-year-olds never have enough.