Email me and I'll tell you who you are. Email is our mirror, our window to the world. It's the first impression. It is the equivalent of a poorly worded scribbled letter and shows no respect for the interlocutor. The routinization of its use has made us vulnerable to superficiality and loosened the rules. In the circle of friends this does not play a role, and in the business world e-etiquette still applies, so check where you are limping and correct the mistakes.
JoinedJune 4, 2014
Sometimes I walk around the keyboard, sometimes in nature. One time I twist the heels, the other time the kitchen. I press the trigger once, the pedals a second time. And one time I play the role of a moviegoer, another time a nanny. Life offers such a wide range of things that it would be pointless to dip your brush in just a color or two, right?
BlackBerry phones were synonymous with business use. The emphasis is on "were", because today many people would say that they no longer exist. But they are coming back. But tough times call for drastic measures, so it's no surprise that they're going all-or-nothing with their latest smartphone, the rectangular BlackBerry Passport with a square screen. We will either love him or hate him, there is no in-between.
Well, we have it. One more proof that Apple is now copying from Samsung and not the other way around. The latest iPhone 6 is indeed bendable, and yes, you're right, Samsung recently patented bendability. But there is no promise of a new legal saga, because with Apple it is not about the flexibility of the screen, but about the case, which is unexpected. Alarms went off at Apple and the giant promised a change to all those whose pockets were dented by the curvature.
We usually look for duplicates between people or look for similarities between the owner and his dog. This time we took this four-legged furry as the central character and looked for a duplicate of him. But we didn't just look in the usual places. And we found them even where we wouldn't expect.
Ljubljana is bursting with tourist attractions, and since last week it is richer by one more - the Enigmarium escape room. It is the first room of its kind in Ljubljana, which, following the example of Escape Room computer games, puts players before a unique test. They have to escape from a locked room within an hour, and the only way to the key is through puzzles, codes and "sneaky" clues.
New York - the city that never sleeps. The city, which today is the most densely populated city in the USA, with 8.5 million inhabitants. The city was founded by the Dutch in 1624 and was originally called New Amsterdam. The city, which was even the US capital for a while, today does not even have the status of the capital of the state in which it resides. But why worry when it is the capital of the world.
Anyone who likes to indulge in electronic and hip-hop rhythms has probably had itchy fingers watching mixing masters at work. But DJ equipment is expensive - mixing desk, turntable, player, sound needles,... especially if you don't have professional DJ ambitions. With the advent of controllers, the bar for "recreational" DJs has been raised considerably, and Pioneer's DDJ-WeGO 3 raises it even higher.
Olaf skis for adults are the result of Slovenian know-how and craftsmanship. Under this brand, we find the Urban and Business models, both multi-functional scooters, which are decorated with innovation, practicality and domestic patents. They are true engineering pearls, under which the first signatory is Dr. Boštjan Žagar, owner of the patent for the folding mechanism. Olaf is starting his Kickstarter campaign today, with test drives available since yesterday.
For all football connoisseurs, there is no better goal from distance than the one scored by Milenko Ačimovič against Ukraine on November 13, 1999 at the Bezigraj Stadium in the 84th minute. But the world is still full of "Ačimovičs" to whom even our former footballer would bow, and the last of them would be Moritz Stoppelkamp, who a few days ago set a new milestone in the German Bundesliga with a goal from a distance of 82.3 meters.
Fishing can be quite boring at times (if it is meant only as hunting and not a form of socializing) and sometimes thankless. Fortunately, technology is already well within the reach of "small" fishermen, and fishing sonars are to fishing what smartphones are to the business world. They increase efficiency. Now the two are combined in the Deeper Fishfinder product, a small bluetooth ball that raises the "productivity" of the hook.
After we only got a small glimpse of Eminem's new song Guts Over Fear in the background of the trailer for the movie Pravičnik (The Equalizer), in which he reunited with the singer Sia, we now have a full slice - but for now only in the form of a video with lyrics.
On September 19, the fifth Global Be(er) Responsible Day took place around the world, which draws attention to the responsible drinking of beer. We are usually used to having a lump in our throat after watching these kinds of ads, as if we swallowed a bitter pill, but the Budweiser brewery (the American one, not the Czech Budvar) decided to offer us its bitter drink instead of a pill.