The year is around and it's back to the hot summer party season under the twinkling stars. At the same time, our el padrinho circled around the biggest and hottest star of our solar system...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
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Concert at the end of the school year Saturday, June 22, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. at the MCC A traditional concert featuring young artists working under the auspices of the Vocal BK studio and many guests. Bassless is a group of five members from different parts of Slovenia, which since November 2011 ..
Obeta se nam koncert pod milim nebom, kjer bomo plesali in uživali v norih ritmih. V sklopu Sonice se bodo na odru zvrstili odlični glasbeniki, ki nam bodo s pomočjo glasbe in vizualij pričarali nepozabano plesno doživetje. Nastopil bo londosnki dvojec, ki nas je s svojo glasbo že navdušil. Vračata se Plaid. ...
We will be able to witness the twenty-first iteration of the cult classic, Piše se yearo. The event, which left an indelible mark on the Styrian capital, will be held in honor of Smiljan Kržet, the father of this iconic event. Smiljan was a producer and event organizer who, during his two decades of activity on the music scene, set...
A group of students from secondary schools in the Municipality of Celje, who come together under the name Pandam Youth Theatre. The whole performance is made like a reverse version of Cinderella with independent additions by the director. It emphasizes the principle of justice and fairness and shows man with good and bad...
In Celje, the only high school improv team in the city operates at Gimnazija Celje - Center, namely under the auspices of the GCC Society, which connects former and current students and teachers of the school. At the match, in addition to ImpraGCC, a mixed team of students from Ljubljana will be presented. The increasingly popular form of impro ...
On the first Tuesday in June, we running lovers gathered for the last time in Tivoli Park, where we ran for the last time...
In the summer months, the streets come alive and artists from all over the world return to them. Street art has its own charm; as the artists say, the street is more exciting, more energetic and spontaneous than the hall, there is more room for improvisation, for interactivity, for unpredictability.
Peter, Lara, Sara and Andrej are typical representatives of the young generation, which has difficulty coping with everyday life. The inherited money could give them a fresh start, but the story gets complicated when they want to withdraw it. The director of the bank is a family friend, but he defrauded them. After thinking it over, naively...
Four talented illusionists, led by the charismatic Atlas, stage two infamous magic shows with a series of daring and original illusionistic tricks with advanced technical aids, where they first captivate the audience in Las Vegas with a remote bank robbery in Paris, and then expose...