The multifaceted exhibition presents the most important achievements of Slovenian architectural production of the last five years, as it aims to establish the conceptual framework of the concept of modern Slovenian architecture. The emphasis is on architectural quality, defined by originality of design, integrity, clarity, coherence... You...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
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Director Diego de Brea is once again returning to the film giant Luchino Visconti, this time for his latest film The Innocent, based on the novel of the same name by the Italian representative of decadence, Gabriele d'Annunzio. The novel, the film, and now the stage setting depict a world of luxurious villas and elaborate decor and...
Mary Poppins is the heroine of children's books and fantasy, as well as the heroine of a television series that was created over fifty years. It's about that iconic babysitter who also got a place at the opening of this summer's Olympic Games. The magical nanny's strange adventures begin when, with the help of...
Zadnji dan leta, s tem tudi svečana srečanja, lesk, glamur ali le nestrpno pričakovanje, se naglo približuje. Delček vsega naštetega lahko poiščemo tudi pod odrskimi deskami, saj najvidnejše gledališke hiše pripravljajo mamljiv gledališki program. Za začetek je vredno omeniti gostovanje ...
For the first time, we will be able to experience the magic of Disney movies live in the Slovenian language. Even if we are no longer the youngest, we certainly haven't forgotten Cinderella or Aladdin's Princess Jasmine floating in the air. In the show, Mickey Mouse performs many tricks before our eyes together with Cinderella's Good Fairy, ...
Odločitev Siti teatra, da nam ob izbranih večerih postreže z izbranimi glasbenimi dogodki, verjetno razveseljuje marsikoga med nami, toliko bolj razveseljiv pa je sam glasbeni izbor. Pred nekaj tedni smo tako lahko uživali ob glasovih Vesne Zornik in Nane Miličinski, tokrat pa bodo gostili pevko ...
Ker so prazniki tudi čas dobrote, jo lahko udejanimo s športom in seveda z zabavo. Vsi z dobrimi nameni se bomo zbrali ob 16. uri, kjer nas bodo po prevzemu štartnih številk in Božičkovih kapic ogreli rdeči noski. Po trasi se lahko odpravimo peš ali pa razdaljo pretečemo. Ob koncu dobrodelne rekreacije ...
Vsako sredo do konca meseca lahko v Kodi 386 izkoristimo osebna modna svetovanja s slovenskimi oblikovalci. Za zanimivo izložbo na Tavčarjevi nas tako pričakujejo Matevž Faganel, Sanja Grcić in Nina Šušnjara ter posebne decembrske ...
Kako poteka odplačevanje potrošniških kreditov, verjetno vemo vsi, saj nam je gotovo že kdaj zmanjkalo denarja za nakup avtomobila, pohištva, počitnic ... Unicredit Bank uvaja v Sloveniji novost, s katero nagrajuje zvestobo. Ob rednem odplačevanju kredita nam tako glede na izbrano referenčno obrestno mero ...
Igrali bomo srednjeveške namizne igre za odrasle (knefetaffel, šah, dama) in mladino (trik-trak, gans, gluckshaus).
Priča bomo tudi predstavitvi srednjeveškega orožja, kot so sulica, bodalo, meč, messer in bojno kladivo. Kostumirani člani druščine vam bodo razložili pravila iger in prikazali ...
TRUSTED SOUNDS presents: DRUM'n'BASS Session / First Kick / Date: Saturday, 26.1.2013 => FIRST LINE SQUAD [Ammunition Rec, Black Seeds Rec, Delta9 Rec, BNC Express / Italy] => TELEKINESIS / Smooth vs. Marko man /[Black Sun Empire rec, Blackout recordings / Slovenia] => SPADE ...