New Year's Eve again puts us in front of a dilemma: classic or modern? At the CITY CHEF cooking academy, we decided on a synthesis with a touch of the classics. Tradition, such as a beautifully laid table, candles, grandmother's porcelain, an appetizer or two, a rich main course and champagne at the end, and sweet treats will be created with...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
Ana Lukner's charity campaign is probably already known to many of us, because Ana herself and all the benefactors helped a large number of people by collecting food. Since December is not only a time to celebrate, but also to think of others, Ana once again collects food every weekday at the Čebelica business facility. She herself says that...
Spend an unforgettable THREE IN ONE evening at the Grand Hotel Metropol in...
A particularly solemn event is being prepared in Idrija on Wednesday, December 12. The central ceremony at the handover of the document on the entry into the world heritage list will be accompanied by a rich cultural...
The presentation of architectural projects and large-scale urban arrangements from the period of (socialist) Yugoslavia highlights milestones and visions of (unfinished) urbanization and industrialization in the period of socialism and raises questions about the role and legacy of the architectural heritage of this period in the countries...
A year after he became the head of the architecture department of FAGG, with the established architectural direction, prof. In the academic year 1960-61, Edvard Ravnikar introduced the experimental design course B. With it, he wanted to transfer his knowledge of design to younger generations. He relied on the tradition of the Bauhaus school...
In the Museum of Architecture and Design, we enter December with the new exhibitions Direction B - Design Reform and Unfinished Modernization: Between Utopia and Pragmatism. On this happy day of culture on Monday, December 3, 2012, both exhibitions will be open from 10 a.m., at 11 a.m. there will be a guided tour of the Smer B exhibition with ...
The new MOKOŠ collection and an exhibition of illustrations by Mojca Krajnc On Friday, December 7, 2012, we invite you to the presentation of the new MOKOŠ jewelry collection and the opening...
You will hang out with dr. Alenko Miškec, curator of ancient numismatics The monetary history of the Slovenian area begins as early as the 8th century BC. n. no., when the inhabitants of that time used various objects in trade. The end of the 2nd century BC. n. no. but it was the Celts who are on the...
Obiščite Ledeno deželo z Božičkom v Bohinju!Skozi gozd vas bo palček popeljal do njegovega idiličnega domovanja, kjer vas pričaka Božiček. V toplem zavetju koče bo otrokom pripovedoval zgodbice iz svojega pravljičnega sveta in jih pogostil s čajem ter piškoti. Otroke čaka še adrenalinski ...
Veliki decembrski koncert v Celjskem mladinskem centru
v soboto, 8. decembra 2012 ob 20.00,
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FREYWILLE in City Magazine sta v prelepem ambientu slaščičarne Lolita znova pripravila dogodek s podpisom, tokrat ob predstavitvi nove kolekcije Spirit of Africa. O vzorcih, poslikavah in običajih najstarejšega kontinenta, po katerem se navdihuje FREYWILLE, nam je nekaj zanimivosti ...