Rdečo nit prazničnega bazarja – ljudsko izročilo – bomo začutili na vsakem koraku, saj bomo med razstavljalci spoznavali etnografske značilnosti in rokodelske izdelke z dodano umetniško noto. Program za osnovnošolce, kantavtorske večere, pogovore z umetniki in videoprojekcije pripravljajo VDC Polž, ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
The authors of the project, Boštjan Perovšek and Ana Pečar, combine the elements of time, space, light and sound in the murmur of currents. The muttering of currents thus deals with the passing away - the symbol of which is the current - but in an interesting way, as it juxtaposes sound events and video images. At the exhibition, all our senses will perceive the melody...
Pokrajinski arhiv je s trajnimi informacijskimi ploščami na hišah poskrbel za še zanimivejši sprehod po mestnem jedru. Na njih niso zbrani dolgočasni podatki, ki smo jih vajeni na spominskih ploščah, ampak preproste zgodbe o hišah in ljudeh, ki so v preteklosti v njih preživljali svoj ...
Filmski projekt povezuje neokrnjenost narave in lepoto nedotaknjenih zasneženih gora z drznim in inovativnim, a premišljenim pristopom, na smučeh in deskah. Film predstavlja freestyle in freeride, predvsem pa, na kaj vse je treba biti pripravljen v odmaknjenih predelih gora, kjer vladajo pravila narave. Na ...
Oblika konference, kjer na odru predstavijo zanimive zgodbe in ideje, prek teh tudi navdih in elan, bo vnovič potekala v Sloveniji. Četudi TED-a ne spremljamo prek aplikacij za različne mobilne naprave in ga manj poznamo, je nabor 15 navdihujočih govorcev, med temi tudi Aleša Lisaca, Žiga Vavpotiča, Maje ...
V okviru zaključne slovesnosti Evropske prestolnice kulture lahko na prostem doživimo spektakularen poseg v urbano okolje. Zakrivila ga bosta Pedro Zaz in VJ Spetto iz kolektiva United VJs. Mednarodna zasedba na ustvarjalen način združuje videoprojekcijo, mapping, arhitekturo, optične iluzije, programiranje ...
In the prestigious Kampinski Palace park, we will be able to try selected sparkling wines for four weekends in December. Every Saturday between 4 pm and 9 pm, in addition to dance and music events (Best Company, Trio Eroika ...), we will also be able to enjoy a selection of typical culinary products that go well with sparkling wines. At the end of the festival ...
New Year's Eve again puts us in front of a dilemma: classic or modern? At the CITY CHEF cooking academy, we decided on a synthesis with a touch of the classics. Tradition, such as a beautifully laid table, candles, grandmother's porcelain, an appetizer or two, a rich main course and champagne at the end, and sweet treats will be created with...
Ana Lukner's charity campaign is probably already known to many of us, because Ana herself and all the benefactors helped a large number of people by collecting food. Since December is not only a time to celebrate, but also to think of others, Ana once again collects food every weekday at the Čebelica business facility. She herself says that...
Spend an unforgettable THREE IN ONE evening at the Grand Hotel Metropol in...
A particularly solemn event is being prepared in Idrija on Wednesday, December 12. The central ceremony at the handover of the document on the entry into the world heritage list will be accompanied by a rich cultural...
The presentation of architectural projects and large-scale urban arrangements from the period of (socialist) Yugoslavia highlights milestones and visions of (unfinished) urbanization and industrialization in the period of socialism and raises questions about the role and legacy of the architectural heritage of this period in the countries...