Tako kot se je Jesper Juul pred dobrim letom lotil moškega in očeta, bo tokrat postavil pod svoj drobnogled žensko in mati. Pogumno, provokativno in obenem skrajno empatično se bo lotil nekaterih izmed trdovratnih in zavratnih vzorcev in modelov, ki se ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
You are invited to a one-day photography course, where you will learn the basics of photography, exposure, composition, genres of photography and much more. The course is led by photographer Tina Robba. More information and registration at...
20. You can watch the Michaelmas charity concert on Saturday, December 1, at 8 p.m. on the 1st program of TV Slovenija. You can watch the repeat of the concert on the 2nd program of TV Slovenija on December 4. As part of the concert, funds will also be collected for primary school children from the social...
V ponedeljek 3. decembra vas vabimo na TA VESELI DAN KULTURE, ko bomo obeležili rojstvo našega največjega pesnika, Franceta Prešerna. Udeležili se boste lahko vodstev po razstavah v Narodnem muzeju Slovenije – Prešernova in Metelkova, obeta pa se tudi zanimiv program za otroke. Ljubitelji knjig bodo lahko ...
Spoštovani! Obveščamo vas, da bo Kocke klub - www.kocke.si organiziral Razstavo LEGO kock - LEGO delavnico in razstavo LEGO kreacij. Dogodek bo tokrat trajal en dan, v soboto 24.11.2012 od ...
TWO STUDENTS AND ME First there was a book...then love at first sight...Under the initials JP hides a long-standing love...
In the end, we'll treat ourselves to an extra pinch of festive spirit and make New Year's decorations, sweeten ourselves with cookies and drive away the cold with tea! Families are welcome! The December program is suitable for children from 4 years of age. Duration 90 min. Price €2.5. In ...
You will hang out with Eva Kocuvan, curator for museum pedagogy Getting to know and loving heritage, creating and recreating programs for young people and for adults who accompany the exhibitions of the central history museum, is the work and goals that Eva Kocuvan, as a competent curator, is already striving for ...
In the cold and unpleasant weather, come to NMS - Metelkova and indulge in the magic of stories from the past. At the workshop, we will learn about different fables and try to find out where they were all written and why, and learn about their teachings. Finally, we'll treat ourselves to an extra pinch...
You will hang out with dr. Peter the Turks, Kostos for Prehistory Prehistory is usually framed by the Stone, Copper, Bronze and Iron Ages. It could also be done differently. From the Younger Stone Age onwards, pottery is by far the most numerous archaeological find. The time between...
Treat yourself to a MAGICAL EVENING OF SHOPPING On Thursday, November 22, 2012, from 8:30 p.m. to 12:00 p.m., the NAMA department store invites you to a great shopping show. Together with LJUBLJANA PUPPET THEATER, it will conjure up a wonderland where everything is possible. Great buys will hang out with…
When the cold outside starts to press in, homemade soups, stews, stews and goulash with meat are snuggled up in the shelter of a warm home... On a culinary afternoon in November, in the Miele Gallery salon, with Kaval's master chefs, we prepared homemade dishes on a spoon according to our grandmothers' recipes with a touch fast modern life...