V drugem delu somračne vampirske romance Bella uživa v novem življenju vampirke, toda z možem Edwardom se bojita za usodo njune hčerke Renesmee, saj predstavlja grožnjo ostalim vampirjem ter njihovemu obstoju. In ko zlobni Volturi, ki jo želijo pokončati, napovedo svoj prihod, morata Bella in Edward za pomoč prositi vse ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
The film is a series of short comedic stories with a common theme of male infidelity. In this segment, we meet serial adulterers, Fred and Greg, who do what they love without any hesitation or regret. On the other hand, a loving couple confidently announces their extramarital affair...
Dramatični triler je nastal po resničnem dogodku, pri katerem je šlo za reševanje šestih Američanov, ujetih v Iranu, takoj po prevzemu ameriškega veleposlaništva v Teheranu leta 1979, ki je pretresel ves svet. Šesterica je komajda ubežala usodi talcev, ki so jih v ...
Vabljeni v torek, 13. novembra 2012, ob 19. uri v Festivalno dvorano v Ljubljani na literarno glasbeno prireditev ob izidu ...
Don't miss a public guided tour of the History and Art Collections: Valvasor and His Time: Second Half of the 17th Century exhibition. Led by Tina Istinič. Valvasor lived in the Baroque era, a period that influenced the views of all classes of the population. Baroque looked for grandeur and strong impressions in fine art. In the musical...
The visit of Victoria Chaplin - the daughter of the American legend Charlie Chaplin - and Jean-Baptiste Thierrée is difficult to describe with the right amount of enthusiasm, since it is about a creator who, not without reason, has fascinated the world public for decades. Excitement isn't all, though...
Napočil je čas filmskih predstavitev najboljših profesionalnih deskarjev in njihovih trikov. Ekipa Rip Curl letos predstavlja film Alive and Kickin. Ob tem bodo v 11 evropskih državah prikazali tudi produkcijo legendarnega ameriškega Standard Films z naslovom 2112. Deskarje v filmu bodo na premieri podprli ...
The inimitable Lado Bizovičar returns with an interesting musical performance, where he entertains us with singing and dancing. Together with excellent musicians, he created a parody of Slovenian music, which will make our mouths stretch to our ears, and tears are not excluded, from laughter, of course. We are in for a good hour or two if...
Tokratno kulinarično popoldne bomo s Kavalovimi kuharskimi mojstri obujali tiste domače juhe, enolončnice, obare in mesne golaže, ki so nam jih pripravljale že babice. Recepti bodo seveda dobili pridih sodobnega življenjskega stila. Že skoraj zimski mraz nam bo pomagala preganjati Ave in izbor vin vinske šole Belvin. Kot ...
The concept of a one-month existence of a middle-class apartment, within which a wide range of creative, design, leisure, and above all original events will take place, is not often used in our country. Pop-up Dom offers playing original board games, lectures, insight into fashion and graphic design, ...
Poetry, knights and tournaments have been linked for centuries, except that today the fights are no longer bloody. Namely, the poets interpret their poem live in the original language, while the poem is projected onto the screen in several languages. Drama actors will interpret each song in Slovenian after the author's performance. Expert commission on...
Za kratico CAAP se skriva Center alternativne in avtonomne produkcije. Gre za povezanost okoljske in socialno-kulturne pobude z odgovornimi in socialnimi podjetji v Združenje ustvarjalcev alternativne in avtonomne produkcije. Nova lokacija raziskuje in ustvarja inovativne načine zadovoljevanja ekonomskih, socialnih, okoljskih in ...