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JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
The Australian footwear brand Bloch was founded way back in 1932 by Jacob Bloch with the desire to give his chosen one the most comfortable dancing shoes. They are still known today for hand-made ballet and other dance shoes, which are loved by the world's dance elite. Bloch faithfully follows the wishes and needs of the dancers, the designer...
s.Oliver also comes with a new collection, which was inspired by the lively metropolis – Berlin. It is full of old abandoned factory complexes, interesting areas, unique bars and clubs, which are the perfect background for the creation of a new campaign. This follows the slogan "Real fashion for real people", which...
Trenutno eno največjih imen v glasbeni industriji bo tokratni obraz in glas jesenske kampanje švedskega konglomerata H&M. Lana Del Ray je glavna zvezda oglasov, ki sta jih posnela Inez van Lamsweerde in Vinoodh Matadin, prav tako pa nastopa v filmu »Blue Velvet«, ki ga je posnel Johan Renck. Glasbeni video, ki ...
This fall, she will play grunge, rock, punk and funk at the New Yorker. The girls in Fishbone Sister and the women in Amis will dance into the fashionable season. Miss grunge will fall in love with short jackets that are femininely tailored and have leather sleeves. Classic leather jackets, printed T-shirts or T-shirts with washed...
The Spanish trendy fashion brand Mango has chosen fashion icon and top model Kate Moss as the face of its new autumn campaign, whose clothes are really colorful on the skin. Light casualness combined with classics, which every wardrobe needs, is the main note of this collection. In addition to jeans, these are tight shorts...
Luxuz should definitely be of the female gender, and the name Rebecca is particularly suitable for him. This time, the Italian brand of prestigious jewelry presents new collections that, in addition to luxury, also represent timeless elegance in combination with fashion trends. This time, in addition to the classics, they are also dictating rose gold in the form of rings, necklaces, ...
Expressionist Oskar Kokoschka is an outstanding artist who strongly influenced the fine arts of the 20th century. Due to the wide production, the exhibition had to be limited and presents the artist's lesser-known works on paper: cards for the Viennese workshops in the Art Nouveau spirit, book accessories, the cover for the famous magazine Der...
Look, across the border! is a cycle of foreign guests, which presents us and the creators with relevant performances from theaters with similar content from abroad. Oktoberski Look, across the border! subtitled Gib, it is dedicated to physical theatre. The audience will thus get to know the theatrical study of Jožef Nadje, which he will present...
Najnovejša drama Matjaža Zupančiča je nagrajena z lanskoletno Grumovo nagrado. Žirijo je prepričala kot spretno napisano besedilo, ki s preprostimi primeri spregovori o globalni sliki sveta. Drama pripoveduje o Jožefu Kotniku, ki se odpravi v nakupovalni center Shocking Shopping, da bi kupil kruh in pol piščanca. ...
When a modern opera work is born in our space, as a result of collaboration between a renowned librettist and a composer, it is a reason for a small celebration, but above all to see the new production. Love capital is an example of the aforementioned. It is a synthesis of libretto and direction by Vinko Möderndorfer and music by composer Jani...
Največji gledališki dogodek leta uvaja nekaj sprememb, kar bo razveselilo marsikaterega ljubitelja odrske umetnosti. V primerjavi z lanskim letom se je festival še bolj internacionaliziral in razširil v mednarodni prostor, prvič v zgodovini pa se je preizkusil tudi v vlogi koproducenta. V sodelovanju z EPK ...