Pridružite se nam v četrtek, 18. oktobra 2012, ob 20.00 uri na večeru, ki bo namenjen kulinariki in kulturi. Okušali bomo jedi kubanske kuhinje, ki nam jih bodo pripravili dijaki s SŠGT Celje pod mentorstvom profesorja Srečka Leška. Brbončice bomo razvajali s priznanimi slovenskimi ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
Tiesto, Armin van Buuren, Above and Beyond, Paul van Dyk, Dash Berlin in mnogi drugi so imena, ki so dobro poznana vsem ljubiteljem TRANCE glasbe! Končno je napočil čas, da bomo lahko uživali v trance glasbi brez, da bi zato odšteli visoke zneske za vstopnice in prepotovali stotine kilometrov, ...
Lectures and exhibitions by architects, video projection, playful architecture workshops, Open Houses event, architectural consultancy, architectural and urban tour of Celje, round tables and lectures on related topics and the like. The architectural marathon will take place continuously for 24 hours, from the 5th...
Multimedia Hi-Fi Show from October 12 to 14, 2012 in Ljubljana One of the leading and most recognizable fairs in the region in the field of...
Jonescova nekoliko manj poznana enodejanka na pretanjeno absurden način spregovori o sporih, ki lahko nastajajo med generacijo staršev in njihovih potomcev, če je določena stran preveč vpletena v drugo. Vsekakor je odločitev za postavitev te komedije v državi, kjer si velikokrat ustvarimo družino v hiši ...
The initial and, according to many, still the greatest literary text of European culture, this year also became the basis for the largest cooperation between three Serbian and two Croatian theater houses with SNG Maribor. Odysseus is that Greek hero who, after a successful campaign for the Greeks with the Trojan horse - at...
Two masters of humor have come together in a stand-up comedy of the generations. Jurij Zrnec as a director and Janez Hočevar Rifle as an actor wonder about the fun and serious sides of age. All the fears, when the younger ones kindly accompany us to the seat on the bus, when our home is filled with grandchildren or when we give advice to the younger ones, but...
Pred letom se je Simbioz@ med tistimi, ki se v računalniškem okolju počutijo samozavestno, in tistimi, ki jim je e-svet nekaj novega, izkazala za uspešen projekt. V letu medgeneracijskega dialoga se sodelovanje med mlajšimi in starejšimi generacijami še poglablja, saj lahko poučujemo ali nas ...
Ob koncu Tedna arhitekture in prostora – začel se je 1. oktobra – odpirajo vrata najzanimivejše hiše po Sloveniji, s čimer predstavljajo prepričljive urbanistične, arhitekturne in oblikovalske rešitve. Spisek hiš, ki si jih bomo lahko ogledali v dveh dneh, je izjemno dolg, tako moramo ...
This year's meeting of media and marketing experts takes place under the idea of New Europe New Thinking. In three program sections, invited guests, including Jure Apih, Lenja Faraguna Papp, Lars Samuelsen, Désiréé Maud and many others, will present their vision of how to...
For the first time in Slovenia, lovers of traditional Portuguese music will be able to listen to a unique duo that remains without comparison. Professional critics rank the musicians among the very top fado performers, as they are also unique due to their composition - Pereira da Costa is the only female professional Portuguese guitar performer in ...