JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
All children between the ages of 6 and 10 are invited to the free introductory workshop JOGArajenje on October 3rd. Practices will take place every Wednesday from 17:00 to 17:45 in the premises of the Sonček center in Šiška. ...
Creative workshops The youngest (1-3) will make butterflies from natural materials, while the slightly older ones (3+) will make dolls from felt. Children will be able to paint their faces :) Tour of the premises, information and registration You can...
Shun Li je nezakonita kitajska priseljenka, ujeta v zanko sumljive pogodbe z izkoriščevalskim delodajalcem. Ta ji obljublja, da se ji bo po odplačilu dolgov v Italiji lahko pridružil njen osemletni sin. Nekega dne je Shun Li iz tekstilne tovarne na obrobju Rima nenadoma premeščena v Chioggio, majhno mestece v ...
Montrealsko osnovno šolo dodobra pretrese nepričakovana smrt ene izmed učiteljic. Nekaj dni po tragičnem dogodku se v ravnateljičini pisarni z življenjepisom v roki pojavi Bachir Lazhar, uglajen in izobražen alžirski priseljenec, ki v naglici prevzame razred pokojne učiteljice. Kljub domnevnim dolgoletnim ...
Peaceful and kind-hearted entrepreneur Ben and his aggressive friend and ex-Marine Chon grow and sell premium marijuana in an idyllic town in Southern California, and they also share a unique love for the seductive O. The coexistence of three friends is disrupted by a Mexican drug cartel that wants to .. .
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