Nemška umetnica Rebecca Horn je v desetletjih delovanja ustvarila vrsto performansov, filmov, kipov, prostorskih instalacij, risb in fotografij, vendar ostaja najbolj znana po modifikacijah telesa. V okviru projekta Maribor 2012 – Evropska prestolnica kulture se predstavlja z večjimi inštalacijami, videi in deli, ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
In the case of the Japanese production Tobari, we are first reminded of a scene consisting of a horizon covered with 6,600 shining stars and a floor on which 2,200 stars are glittering, illustrating the summer night sky over Japan. Moving on, we are captivated by the movement, as dancers, warriors move across the scene in complete concentration...
Plesna zgodba štirih sklopov s svojo programsko raznolikostjo zajema širok spekter sodobnega plesa, ki bo viden še vse do konca leta. Bodimo pozorni na NagiB Parkour, Platformo, Modul Dance in Osvetljeni vzgib za premik v mesto in v njem, saj bodo v sklopu le-teh prikazane kvalitetne predstave, plesni filmi v ...
Dogodek kaže na naslanjanje na tradicijo ljudske pesmi, a hkrati le-to poglablja in posodablja. Znani literati in glasbeniki, kot so Feri Lainšček, Vlado Kreslin, Aldo Kumar ali Boštjan Gombač, so ustvarili 14 novih skladb, ki tematsko in vsebinsko zajemajo iz sveta ob Muri, vključno z jezikom in narečjem. Pomen in ...
Fuzija klasične glasbe in umetnosti surfanja na valovih ali fuzija elementov narave in umetniškega zanosa zagotavlja srhljivi užitek, ki prinaša kurjo kožo. Ustvarjalci želijo z nepozabnim glasbeno-filmskim dogodkom odplakniti klišeje o klasični glasbi kot glasbi, ki je primerna samo za nežnejše ...
The theatrical spectacle of the Romanian director Silvio Purcarete is a work that reveals all the director's qualities that made him a European phenomenon. The power of the play, based on the motifs of Goethe's classic drama from the 19th century, lies above all in the extraordinary wealth of visual images, which make words no longer necessary...
The creators of the Laibach group could hardly imagine a more suitable environment for the presentation of the large paintings created in recent years. The exhibition will be opened in the former locker room and washroom of the Velenje mine. Pictures with images of the cross and the industrial-mining red district in Zasavje will be presented. It's about zooming in...
Since many positive reviews came to light regarding the after party that took place on 25/08/12 at Klub Euforija and the great demand for the REVIVAL "terrace party", we...
The film explores the aftermath of the events of March 11, 2011, when at 14:45 the Great Tohoku Earthquake hit the northeastern coast of Japan, triggering a tsunami and causing a partial meltdown of the reactor core of the Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Fukushima. The work brings to the surface the historical prospects of nuclear energy and at the same time presents the future...
One night, Loti finds a stone that has a mysterious power. But who does it belong to? Her uncle Klaus, an old seasoned traveler, knows of two more such stones that his friends keep. Loti persuades him to go on a journey together and look for them. Lota's dad is an inventor, so he builds a very special vehicle for them, with ...
Kay and Arnold are a devoted couple, but after decades of marriage, Kay wants to spice things up a bit. When she learns of a famous marriage specialist in the town of Great Hope Springs, she tries to convince a skeptical husband who swears by a fixed routine to take a plane for a week of marriage therapy. Already...
To Rome with Love is a colorful comedy that presents different human destinies intertwining their unusual life paths in the eternal city. In the film, we meet the renowned American architect John, who relives his youth, the average local Leopold, who suddenly becomes the biggest personality in Rome, the young...