In 2004, Miodrag Spasić won the prestigious title of the first accordionist of Serbia and has already been declared the first accordionist of Vojvodina six times. His repertoire includes mostly Serbian traditional music, which he will also present at this year's edition of Nights in Old Ljubljana 2012. More info at: ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
Life Support je eden izmed projektov v seriji oblikovalskih raziskovanj Revital Cohen, ki nas prestavljajo ...
At the Barice Blenkuš Drama School, we are starting with regular enrollment in seven drama programs. Until September 15, 2012, we invite everyone who wants to learn about dramatic play or upgrade the knowledge they have already acquired to register.
You will hang out with dr. Andreja Breznik, pedagogue curator and head of the European project Museum pedagogy, work with visitors, archaeological parks, European projects: these are all areas of work that have been paving their way into the museum environment only in recent decades. Compared to other, "classic" ...
Družili se boste z dr. Boštjanom Laharnarjem, kustosom arheoloških zbirk pozne prazgodovineV drugi polovici 1. tisočletja pr. n. št. so dobršnemu delu Evrope vladala keltska ljudstva. Številni evropski narodi se radi pohvalijo s svojo keltsko tradicijo. Skrivnostni Kelti vedno ...
Naprej na kolo in v Logarsko dolino - naprej k naravi!
The international festival Nights in Old Ljubljana is a broad-based street cultural festival with recognizable content and a clear programming direction. It was formed through 23 iterations and is now gaining the status of one of the most original and popular European street festivals. For years, it has been offering Slovenian and foreign audiences high-quality...
Priružite se nam na javnem vodstvu po razstavi Umetnost iz tovarne – keramika Dekor. Na razstavi so na ogled okrasni in uporabni keramični predmeti, ki so nastajali pod spretnimi prsti umetnikov v danes pozabljeni tovarni Dekor.Vstop ...
Družili se boste z mag. Gorazdom Lemajičem, konservatorjem-restavratorjem za arheološko keramiko in stekloArheološki predmet po izkopavanju spremeni svoje okolje in ta sprememba lahko vpliva na njegovo pospešeno propadanje. Na primerih arheološke keramike, bo predstavljen ...
Družili se boste z dr. Matejo Kos, kustodinjo zbirk keramike, stekla, slik in kipovMuzejska razstava je ključen medij komuniciranja muzeja z občinstvom. Ob pripravi razstave je treba upoštevati vrsto različnih dejavnikov, poleg vsebinskih tudi ciljno občinstvo, finančne in tehnične možnosti. Ob razstavi ...