AGRA je tradicionalno srečanje partnerjev iz srednje in jugozahodne Evrope iz različnih področij kmetijske in živilske dejavnosti. Tudi letos bodo strokovne razstave živali, vzorčni nasadi poljedelskih kultur, aktualna predavanja in posvetovanja, tradicionalni stanovski dnevi, mednarodna ocenjevanja, sejem INPAK- sejem ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
Tradicionalni ribniški semenj suhe robe in lončarstva bodo spremljale kulturne in etnološke prireditve, zvečer pa zabavni program. Vstop ...
Ulice in trgi Šentjerneja bodo zaživeli z Jernejevim sejmom, razstavami, športnimi tekmovanji, kasaškimi tekmami, koncertnim plesom in drugimi zabavnimi prireditvami. Vstop na dogodke, razen na kasaške dirke, je ...
Vsi izdelki na tržnico so unikatni in so ročno delo priznanih ustvarjalcev iz vse Slovenije. Lahko vidimo izdelke s področja kiparstva, izdelovanja uporabne keramike, slikarstva, kovaštva, izdelovanja unikatnih modnih dodatkov iz najrazličnejših materialov. Otroci imajo možnost ustvarjanja- barvanja unikatnih ...
International tourist relay of old-timers for the SVS championship. Driving around Maribor with neighboring municipalities. Entry is...
Days of poetry and wine bring together poets from all over the world. Poetry readings are joined by other arts, numerous concerts, film screenings, street shows, performances, exhibitions, puppet shows, reading classes for children... Admission is...
The traditional summer flea market offers old books, useful antiques, musical instruments, old money, postcards and a variety of other interesting things. Entry is...
As part of the market, visitors will be introduced to the manufacturing workshop of master Janez, who will make prints on the hand-made Gutenberg press. On display will be the weaving of scrolls as in the past, fortune tellers, lace making, embroidery, basket weaving, home pharmacy... Admission is...
Pageant of the teran queen, with teran and prosciutto on a bicycle, a procession of farm wagons and many other events at the 42nd teran and prosciutto festival. Entry is...
At the summer carnival in the hinterland of the municipality of Koper, there will be a procession of masks, animation for children, a prize for the best masks, animation and dancing. Entry is...
Dvodnevni dogodek na katerem bodo pastirske igre, kjer se bodo tekmovalci pomerili v plezanju na mlaj, vožnji s karjolo,… in tekmovanje harmonikarjev. Zvečer pa sledi zabava s plesom. Vstop je ...
Cikel dogodkov, ki se odvijajo na ulici obsega glasbene, literarne, gledališke, potopisne, filmske, otroške dogodke. Vstop je ...