Days of poetry and wine bring together poets from all over the world. Poetry readings are joined by other arts, numerous concerts, film screenings, street shows, performances, exhibitions, puppet shows, reading classes for children... Admission is...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
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The traditional summer flea market offers old books, useful antiques, musical instruments, old money, postcards and a variety of other interesting things. Entry is...
As part of the market, visitors will be introduced to the manufacturing workshop of master Janez, who will make prints on the hand-made Gutenberg press. On display will be the weaving of scrolls as in the past, fortune tellers, lace making, embroidery, basket weaving, home pharmacy... Admission is...
Pageant of the teran queen, with teran and prosciutto on a bicycle, a procession of farm wagons and many other events at the 42nd teran and prosciutto festival. Entry is...
At the summer carnival in the hinterland of the municipality of Koper, there will be a procession of masks, animation for children, a prize for the best masks, animation and dancing. Entry is...
Dvodnevni dogodek na katerem bodo pastirske igre, kjer se bodo tekmovalci pomerili v plezanju na mlaj, vožnji s karjolo,… in tekmovanje harmonikarjev. Zvečer pa sledi zabava s plesom. Vstop je ...
Cikel dogodkov, ki se odvijajo na ulici obsega glasbene, literarne, gledališke, potopisne, filmske, otroške dogodke. Vstop je ...
Every Tuesday evening during the summer, an evening guided tour of Kamnik takes place in Slovene and English with a local tourist guide. Advance notices are required. Ticket price: 8...
Projekt za popestritev prostega časa, ki na prostem ponuja branje revij, časopisov in knjig z različnih področij. Glavno vlogo imajo knjižne novosti, na vseh enotah pa so tudi domači časopisi in revije. Vstop je ...
Folkloric groups, bands and ensembles perform at the event, which has its charm in fireworks and the lowering of candles in eggshells. Entry is...
V Mojstrani ob bajerju stoji Ančna hišica. Anča je zeliščarica iz Triglavskih pravljic, ki nas na etnoloških delavnicah nauči pripraviti razne dobrote, kako je treba varovati rože v naravi in katere rože naberemo za zeliščni čaj. Vstop je ...
A traditional descent down the Soča river with kayaks, canoes and rafts from the Solkan power plant to Podgora in Italy. The Soča regatta is organized every year as part of the events celebrating the local holiday in Solkan. It does not have a competitive character, it is attended by recreational fans...