A laser point does not give a smart impression, even if it is supported by a smart presentation, but we can work smartly and efficiently, namely with an iPhone (iPod/Pad) and a laser pointer in hand and a good presentation on the screen. Otherwise, the Smart Dot plugs into a 3.5mm plug for...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
Poletje je tukaj in nepozabna doživetja so pred vrati. Poskrbimo, da bodo takšna tudi ostala. Vsestranski fotoaparat COOLPIX L310 nam daje svobodo za zajem življenja z vseh razdalj. S pomočjo zmogljivega objektiva NIKKOR z 21-kratnim optičnim zoomom lahko snemamo izjemne panorame in oddaljeno dogajanje. Ne ...
Toshl is no longer a new thing, even less is the fresh idea of monitoring and managing one's (and family's) budget, which is why the implementation of the application with two dashes of innovation and a touch of mischievousness is all the more fortunate, which, placed in today's time of general belt-tightening, ...
Pozabimo Kinect, Wii in podobne »gibalne« naprave. Leap Motion je prihodnost. S tem senzorjem gibanja lahko upravljamo osebni računalnik dobesedno na daljavo, zgolj z gibi rok ali pa se lastnoročno podpisujemo na dokumente, po zraku seveda, ali pa približujemo, oddaljujemo, premikamo predmete na ...
Dita Von Teese is proud to present her first ARTDECO Dita Von Teese Classics makeup collection. When developing, she trusted her refined sense, and gave the greatest emphasis to makeup textures and color palette. She also participated in the transformation of the appearance of the packaging, as it acquired a new, retro design and a special Dita...
V mesecu juliju bodo v Galeriji sodobne umetnosti Celje potekale enotedenske počitniške delavnice za otroke od 5. do 14. leta. Delavnice so namenjene kreativnemu preživljanju prostega časa in sproščenemu druženju, za katerega bodo poskrbeli naši mentorji umetniki.3. 7. – 6. 7. 2012 – ...
The following will perform on stage: VIOLETA TOMIČ TINA GORENJAK PERICA JERKOVIĆ MARKO KUMER MURČ STEFAN ŠUMANAC ŠUMI MLADEN PAHOVIĆ Saturday, July 7, 2012, at 8:00 p.m....
Sailsation je najboljši način preživljanja vaših počitnic!
Predstavlja svobodno jadranje z odličnimi zabavami, noro glasbo in ...
Sailsation je najboljši način preživljanja vaših počitnic!
Predstavlja svobodno jadranje z odličnimi zabavami, noro glasbo in ...
In recent years, the extremely active Novi Sad band Dan D, known for its original concert energy and genuine contact with the audience, has returned to the concert stage after a well-deserved break and will also stop in Celje on its tour of Slovenia. In case of bad weather, the concert will be held in Celjski dom. Price...
Jinx are a retro pop band that added a touch of modernity to the nostalgic music of the seventies and thus won the hearts of many. In case of bad weather, the concert will be held in Celje Dom. Ticket price in resale is 12 EUR and on the day of the concert is 15 EUR. Ticket sales: TIC Celje, Eventim sales points around ...