We have seen it - the synthesis of a projector and a mobile phone. Samsung Galaxy Beam is a smartphone with a projector that allows us to show off our own audio-photo-video creations on the "big" screen. The ultra-bright Galaxy Beam projector is capable of a luminous flux of as much as 15 lumens, the projections have room for...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
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HP has introduced Pavilion notebook computers with a redesigned design and improved capabilities. The redesigned notebooks reflect HP's new Mosaic design approach, which ensures that each notebook is unique, yet built on the same design foundation. ...
Philips Slovenia presents this year's series of Philips O'Neill headphones, consisting of The Stretch, The Bend and The Specked models. The entire range of headphones is designed to withstand the rigors of an active lifestyle The headphones...
After two decades of cooperation with Japan, it will get even closer to us. The Japan Summer Day will take place in the form of a fair: various societies that encounter Japan on a daily basis will be presented: Japanese board games, painting with Hello Kitty, origami, calligraphy, tea drinking, manga, ... Getting to know ...
This year, the first world championship in street basketball will be held in Athens in August, and until then, the trio compete against each other in various Slovenian cities. We can cheer for them and at the same time have fun with urban music in Maribor, Koper and Ljubljana. The final of the national championship will be held in the capital on July 7, and on the 21st...
Visiting one of the most beautiful neighborhoods along the Ljubljanica means enjoying a full urban day. On this day, theaters, shops, galleries and bars will open their doors wide, and the streets will come to life in a relaxed summer rhythm. In the afternoon and evening, Breg, Križevniška ulica and Novi trg will show their...
Žive barve, močni vonji in eksotične kombinacije okusov so navdih tokratnega srečanja Kavalovih kuharskih mojstrov in g. Gorjaka iz vinske šole Belvin ter seveda vseh nas, ki na hiter in zdrav način širimo naše poznavanje užitka. Kombinirali bomo alge, čili, ingver, limonino travo, bambusove ...
Ob prvi obletnici čutnih in misterioznih klubskih doživetij nam rajski clubbing pripravlja poseben nabor glasbenih užitkov. Na zunanjem plesišču nas čaka ekipa Synaptic, v zavetju grajskih zidov nas bodo zapeljevali zvoki gostitelja Martellija, ob boku mu bodo stali Matthew Hoag iz založbe Lovable Fairy, lastnik založbe ...
Kolesarski maraton Franja spada med prireditve, poznane predvsem zaradi svoje prijaznosti do udeležencev ne glede na stopnjo profesionalnosti posameznega kolesarja. Ker se lahko maratona udeležimo v petih različnih kategorijah, ki se razlikujejo po dolžini in zahtevnosti trase, lahko vsak od nas najde užitek rekreiranja na kolesu ...
Obdobje festivalov na prostem je končno tu, kmalu se bo odvijali praktično v vsakem kraju. V začetku junija se začenja osrednji gorenjski festival, kjer bo najbolj pestro ob koncih tedna. Otvoritveni koncert imata Oto Pestner in Anja Bukovec s simfoničnim orkestrom, zaključni pa Laibach – We come in peace 23. junija. Vmes ...
The creators subtitled the fashion-theatrical-musical spectacle Funeral Fashion Show, which indicates the idea that fashion and power are related entities. As we know, clothes make a person, but fashion can shape him, change him, give him strength, excommunicate him... The play is about historical figures, masters of their own image and...