JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
Soon the 3rd Migrant Film Festival - June 18 to 22, 2012 More than 25 genre-diverse films, round tables with interesting interlocutors, intercultural events that connect us to...
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Club Nebotičnik Ljubljana returns in all its splendor just before summer. STUDIO 54 is in town! Be sure to remember! The legendary STUDIO 54, the world-famous and undoubtedly the most popular New York nightclub from 1977, is coming to Slovenia. It has a reputation as the best of the nightRead More
The Museum of Architecture and Design Ljubljana in co-production with the European Capital of Culture Maribor 2012/Terminal 12 presents an exhibition in the Maribor Art Gallery Read More
The exhibition Comic book heroes save Europe presents selected works of European comics of the twentieth century. European comics are in orbit...
Lovers of jazz come to our account again. The year is over and the new edition of the Ljubljana Jazz Festival is upon us again, the fifty-third in a row. Real jazz sweets are waiting for us, which will provide a nice introduction to the musical summer. So we will be able to listen to Joe McPhee on trumpet and alto saxophone, among others...
The mountain will shake and the rock will rock! The three-day Gora Rocka festival will provide just the right dose of rock in our ears. Prljavo kazalište, Pankrti, Niet, Mi2, Let3, Zablujena generacija, Zmelkoow, Banditi and G'N'R tribute group Hollywood Rose will perform. Camping is free. A lot of...
Tiësto returns to Ljubljana. Lovers of big electronic spectacles will be in for a treat, as the giant of trance will join forces with top Red Party production, which takes care of the unique decor at red parties. Together, they will prepare an unforgettable spectacle for us in the world-famous and spare Tiësto manner. In your...
There will be a summer concert near us. The legend of rock music Bruce Frederick Joseph Springsteen, or The Boss, as he is called by his most loyal fans, is coming to our neighbors. For his concerts...
Rok Golob si je zadal cilj, kako kar najbolje izkoristiti neizmerni glasbeni potencial simfoničnega orkestra v različnih glasbenih žanrih. Hip-hop ali poznano slovensko pop skladbo v izvedbi Orkestra slovenske filharmonije in Slovenskega komornega zbora pod dirigentsko taktirko Martine Batič bomo lahko slišali v začetku ...
Za eksplozijo rock glasbe z vseh strani bo poskrbel Rock Music Fest, ki obljublja nastope odličnih domačih in tujih skupin. V Slovenijo prvič prihaja priljubljena finska skupina Sunrise Avenue, trenutno ena izmed najpopularnejših skupin na glasbeni sceni. Njihova mednarodna uspešnica Hollywood Hills je med drugim ena ...