On the eve of International Museum Day, on May 17, 2012, the third set of lectures will be held in the MAO as part of the Plečnik 2.0 program. The common denominator of the Plečnik 2.0 program. is the active involvement of users in the interpretation of Plečnik as a personality and his legacy, which is not only architectural, but a broader matter...
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Iva Tratnik, an artist from Celje of the younger generation, is exhibiting in the Art Gallery of Celje. The artist envisioned the opening of the exhibition (May 18 at 7:00 p.m.) as a musical culinary dance "living picture" in which her colleagues will perform. As part of the Museum Night, 16 June 2012, the artist will...
In this lecture, we will look into the past of the human sense of beauty and learn about different views on what was considered beautiful in a particular period – from antiquity to the modern age. Testimonies about this have been left to us primarily by painters, sculptors, architects, poets and writers. We will talk ...
Celebration of the 2nd birthday of the children's bookshop Kres pod gradom On Saturday, 19.5., we will celebrate the 2nd birthday of the children's bookshop 'Kres pod...
Do you still know how our grandparents spent their free time, before the time of computer games and television? Visit us on Saturday, May 19, 2012 in Tabor Park in Ljubljana and, together with our babysitters, enter the Nostalgic Saturday time machine, which will take you toRead More
Lep pozdrav vsem ljubiteljem lepih zgodbic!
V sredo, 16. maja, vas ob 17.30 uri vabimo v prijeten ambijent otroške knjigarne Kres pod gradom na našo pravljično urico.Tokrat bomo prebrali pravljico Žoga ...
V petek, 18. maja 2012 bomo obeležili Mednarodni muzejski dan. Vstop v Narodni muzej Slovenije (Prešernova in Metelkova) ter na vse prireditve bo brezplačen.Pripravili smo zanimiv program za ljubitelje muzejev vseh starosti:
Narodni muzej Slovenije – Prešernova: ...
Tovarna Dekor produced decorative objects, figurines and tableware with then-modern folklore patterns. We invite you to join us at the opening of the exhibition and make sure that we put on display any of the figures that adorn your shelves. Exhibition ART FROM THE FACTORY. ..
Druga godba vedno prinese kakovostno glasbo z vseh vetrov. Tudi letos nam bodo postregli z zanimivim programom. V začetku maja se nam bo predstavil bend Moriarty. Uživali bomo lahko ob retro zvokih soula, bluesa in latin swinga producenta Quantica in dive britanskega soula Ms. Alice Russell. Pridružila sta se jima ...
Jazz lovers, beware! Cerkno will once again, for the seventeenth year in a row, turn into the capital of jazz. We will be treated to performances by international and Slovenian bands of a wide range of jazz styles: from traditional to modern tendencies and experiments. The festival will be opened by the international trio Vanilla Riot, facing an energetic, ...
Srede so v Satchmu namenjene instrumentalnim koncertom v živo. Slišimo lahko vse od jazza, funka, do soula in bluesa. Tokratni večer bo obarvan s flamenko ritmi, za katere bo poskrbel Vito Marenče. ...