The Marseille artist visualizes the landscape in an interesting way - similar to bats - with the help of sound echoes and reflections. The process is relatively complex, but this way of working allows us to observe everything that affects the mental representation of a certain space: also deductive habits linked to memory, and...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
After a one-year break, the festival of creative communications of young people is returning. This time, the best creatives up to the age of 31 will present themselves to us. With a new visual image, which was taken care of by Tine Lugarič, the festival renews its momentum, but mostly maintains the concept, as it has proven to be a good one. Among the arrived parts, we will be like this this year as well...
Razmišljanje izven okvirjev je namenjeno predstavitvi drznejših znanstvenih idej in s tem širjenju obzorij, spodbujanju raziskovalcev, … Kot vrhunec sklopa nastaja prva konferenca s podnaslovom Innovative Ways to Improve the Culture of Living. Tu bodo strokovnjaki “reševali” svet s ...
Fotograf in performativni umetnik Ulay se po mnenju poznavalcev uvršča v vrh sodobne umetnosti. Večina med nami ga bo tokrat najverjetneje spoznala prvič preko tridelne instalacije Čigava je Voda. Gre za umetnikov provokativni premislek o pitni vodi in njeni (ne)dostopnosti. Ulay poizkuša skozi oči umetnika vodo ...
The International Festival of Independent Theater opens its doors wide to an extraordinary spectrum of events that will surprise us with the freshness of crossing the boundaries of individual performance practices. In the future, the productions of young, up-and-coming theater creators in Europe will probably have a significant impact on...
Creatively almost inexhaustible, Jan Fabre dedicates himself to life between ecstasy and the abyss in a dance performance through collaboration with solo dancer and choreographer Antony Rizzi. He puts the paradoxical world of addiction and ecstasy at the forefront of the play, but, as we can expect, he presents the theme in a multifaceted and personal way. The hero of the drug show ...
Eric Emo na 50 fotografijah predstavlja Rodinove in Bourdellove umetnine, preko lastnih umetnin s pogledom od znotraj. Fotograf se je v svoji karieri osredotočil predvsem na portrete, zadnja tri leta je tudi del agencije La Parisienne de Photographie. Oboje mu je pomagalo pri predstavljenem projektu, saj s kreativnim pristopom posega ...
Greetings to all lovers of beautiful stories! On Wednesday, May 9, at 5:30 p.m., we invite you to the pleasant atmosphere of the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom for our fairy tale hour. This time we will read the fairy tale Vsi za ...
The grand opening of this year's SiTi Theater under the stars will mark the high jubilee of the one-man comedy The Cave Man directed by Nataša Barbara Gračner and performed by Uroš Fürst. The global comedy phenomenon that, with more than 600 repetitions, has consolidated the record of the most played show at...
We want you to become a WINNER in your industry. Lazy Faraguna Papp will teach you how to say and write things in a way that will get and keep the attention of readers/listeners and make clients want to leave their money to you. Again and again. The lecture and workshop are intended for Slovenian entrepreneurs,...
Summer is coming and with it the sun, the heat. What's nicer than lying in the shade and a glass of cold beer... Beer is not just cooling down, it's much more... it's a story, it's a culture, it's a tradition, it's a passion. An evening where you'll get to know: - a little history about beer ( only the funniest…