Hand felting wool is one of the oldest techniques of textile art. Under the influence of warm water and mechanical action, the wool fibers are stretched, the scales open and during rubbing the wool gets stuck, the result is wool shrinkage and the formation of a firm base, which can be the basis for...
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Delavnice so namenjene vsem otrokom in mladim, ki bi želeli ustvarjalno preživeti prosti čas. V prijetnem okolju parka Arboretum se bomo prepustili ustvarjanju v objemu narave in motivom, ki nam jih narava ponuja. Izvajalka delavnice, Ana-Marija ...
Mavrične igrarije so gibalne in ustvarjalne delavnice v naravi. Otroci s pomočjo igre in pod skrbnim vodstvom animatorjev ŠAD Mavrica spoznavajo okolje okoli sebe. Delavnice se odvijajo vsak konec tedna in so namenjene vsem starostnim skupinam otrok. ...
Photography workshops are already a permanent fixture in the Arboretum. Visitors are happy to respond to the invitation and learn photography together with us. The Volčji Potok Arboretum Park is certainly a treasure trove of interesting photographic motifs. No prior knowledge is required for the workshop,...
Pridružite se nam v četrtek, 10. maja 2012, ob 20.00 uri na večeru, ki bo namenjen kulinariki in kulturi. Okušali bomo jedi indijske kuhinje, ki nam jih bodo pripravili dijaki s SŠGT Celje pod mentorstvom profesorja Srečka Leška. Brbončice bomo razvajali s priznanimi slovenskimi vini iz vinske kleti Vinar ...
Greetings to all lovers of beautiful stories! On Wednesday, April 25, at 5:30 p.m., we invite you to the pleasant atmosphere of the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom for our fairy tale hour. This time we will read the fairy tale Pukec pa puka. Žabec Pukec keeps popping. ...
Vse ljubitelje in zbiratelje rastlin ter vse, ki imate prevelike sobne rastline in jih želite prodati ali zamenjati, vabimo na tržnico rastlin v Arboretum Volčji Potok. Rastlinska tržnica bo organizirana vsako drugo soboto v mesecu, med 9. in 13. uro, na parkirišču pred Vrtnim centrom Arboretum. Prve tržnice bodo ob ...
Capoeira je brazilska veščina, ki združuje elemente plesa, borilne veščine, glasbe in akrobatike. Z vadbo se naučimo samoobrambe, povečamo gibljivost telesa, pridobimo na telesni moči, izboljšamo koordinacijo in razvijemo občutek za ritem.
Capoeira ...
New at the Volčji Potok Arboretum event this year is a set of activities called Relaxation in the park. You can forget your worries in the wonderful atmosphere of our park. We invite you to start your Friday with Pilates in the wonderful atmosphere of the Volčji Potok Arboretum. The training will be held in good weather. ...
Nordic walking is a movement that is very close to a person, so it is suitable for everyone. The use of poles allows us to use the muscles of the trunk and arms when walking, which significantly increases the effect of exercise. With this form of exercise, we achieve an improvement in aerobic endurance and...
Dalije nas razveseljujejo v drugi polovici poletja. Njihov dom je v Srednji Ameriki. Najbolje uspevajo na polnem soncu in dobro prepustnih tleh, ampak le do prve jesenske slane. Dalije so prišle v Evropo (na Nizozemsko) iz Mehike leta 1872. Od vseh rastlin v pošiljki, je preživela samo ena. Ta je naredila tako ...