Podjetje Lumar IG vas vabi na dan odprtih vrat v soboto 21.04.2012, med 10. in 16. uro. Prvič vam bodo predstavili nizkoenergijsko hišo Lumar EOS-M 142, ki kandidira za subvencijo Eko sklada. Hišo odlikuje visoka energetska varčnost, premišljeni tlorisi ter preprosta in sodobno ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
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Utečena ekipa Kavalovih mojstrov in poznavalci vina iz šole Belvin bodo tokrat z nami ustvarjali nekoliko močnejše okuse; preizkusili se bomo namreč v pripravi mesnih jedi. Kuhanje, pečenje in kombiniranje z začimbami in prilogami so lahko vir tisočerih nians, ki razveseljujejo tiste, ki radi uživajo meso, četudi ...
Delavnica bo osredotočena na zdravo prehrano, spoznavali bomo tudi osnove ajurvede – nauka o dolgem življenju. Organizatorji so zato k sodelovanju povabili mednarodno humanitarno društvo Food For Life, ki je aktivno tudi pri nas. S seboj bodo privedli nizozemskega kuharskega mojstra indijske kuhinje Jeana Paula ...
This year, the event for children, parents and educators will also take place in Maribor for the first time, which was enthusiastically received by many people. In addition to the rich fair exhibition for the whole family, we can delight our youngest with free creative workshops, with a varied program on the Bazarkov stage of sports...
The project was created in collaboration with the authors at a meeting of the traveling resident program Traffic Jam in Taipei. Inspired by the experience of loneliness in a foreign land, they created an ambient bedroom installation. In its intimacy and comfort, this allows us to choose a story that will lull us to sleep without the feeling of loneliness. Stories ...
The interesting name hides the 19th handicraft exhibition with an international character. At the exhibition, products from the rich treasury of Slovenian handicrafts are compared to products by craftsmen from some countries of the European Union. Creative achievements made of wood, stone, clay, wood, straw, glass, iron, paper, natural...
In recent years, the festival, with its two sections, ethnological and oenological, and entertainment, has become the most successful promoter of Dolenjska's cultural heritage in all its dimensions. This year, we look forward to it in Ljubljana on April 17, in Maribor on April 24, and in Novo mesto on May 12, when numerous ...
The main square of Novo Mesto is being transformed into the city of Goga for six days: from 10 am onwards, an outdoor bookstore will be open every day; we will be able to take refuge in a reading oasis or drink aromatic poetry coffee in the bookstore, the Situla hostel or Lokal Patriot. The intervention in the urban space will also find its expression in the project Messages ...
Drama, fascination and education are the main arguments for visiting the revealed bodies. It is an exhibition of human bodies that have been processed using a new, polymer preservation technique. The exhibition consists of nine unique galleries: the skeleton, the muscular system, the nervous system, the respiratory system, the urinary system, the digestive system, the reproductive system, the vascular system and ...
In the next few days, young people in particular will learn about good practices. The Youth and Mobility project presents how the deepening of one's skills can also be realized outside the home environment; similar projects are the European Village and Youth in Action. Young Europe Week will culminate on Europe Day, May 9, when we...
The eleventh in a series of charity social events, it will ensure that there will be variety both on stage and below it. Numerous workshops will cater to the youngest, and the stage will be filled with musicians and dancers: Anika Horvat, Nuša Derenda, Alenka Gotar, Katarina Mala, Nino, Jay Dance Studio and many others. Charity is ...
A team of young psychology students will be making us happy on the streets over the next month with small acts of kindness – a smile, a hug, help with minor problems, a conversation, etc., thus brightening our day. Since the Happiness Makers will be marked, we can approach them ourselves and reveal to them what they can do for us...