Vabljeni na ogled razstave "PARI", fotografinje Tanje Ristič v Celjski mladinski center, od 11. aprila 2012, na ogled pa bo do 10. maja 2012.
Sredi junija 2011 se je pred parlamentom zbralo več sto ljudi, ki so protestirali proti predlogu Družinskega zakonika, ker ta pravno izenačuje različne ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
Join us on Friday, April 13, 2012 at 8:00 p.m. for an evening dedicated to cuisine and culture. We will taste dishes from world cuisines, which will be prepared for us by students from SŠGT Celje under the mentorship of professor Srečko Lešek. We will spoil the taste buds with...
The Youth Festival presents young people and their creativity to a (slightly) older audience, but also to their peers. Due to its annual success, it is considered a prestigious event, so that the audience includes experts in the fields of theater, film, fine arts and contemporary dance creativity. ...
The slightly provocative title is very suitable for the monodrama, as it is about the transformation of the columns of the controversial Croatian writer and publicist Vedrana Rudan into the form of stage language; Marko Bulc took care of the transformation. Readers of the column probably can't wait to finally hear a hairless woman live on...
Preko različnih dokumentov, predvsem fotografij, bomo obiskali Bled – mestece, ki zaradi naravne lepote privablja ne le Jugoslovane, ampak celo tujce izza železne zavese. Naš obisk ne bo kar tako, saj je tam pred 50 leti potekala prva Slovenska popevka, kjer sta uspešno nastopila Beti Jurkovič in Stane Mancini. ...
The choreographic starting point of the performance comes from Stravinsky's ballet work, which shocked the Parisian audience a hundred years ago. It is the Dedication of Spring, with which the enfant terrible of the ballet scene confirmed himself as a unique visionary, influential even in the world of film. Choreographer Edward Clug is preparing a new ballet creation, this time...
V zadnjih letih je trend spremljanja umetniških produkcij v omejenem, že kar ekskluzivnem številu močno v porastu, kar ne preseneča, saj je intimnejše okolje vsekakor prijetnejše od bučnih dvoran, kjer nas skoraj vsak trenutek lahko kaj zmoti. V Mestnem gledališču Ptuj so trend prepoznali in ga ...
Aktivni vikend na Vipavskem zasluži posebno pozornost, saj združuje aktivnosti na kraških stenah, podkrepljene s športnimi filmi, predavanji in tekmovalnim elementom. Prvi dan si bomo tako ogledali najboljši slovenski gorniški film Sfinga. Naslednja dva dneva bosta od 9.30 nekoliko aktivnejša; ...
Toplejši dnevi spodbujajo toplejše ritme v Kazini. Salsa, merengue, bachata in reggaeton so strasti plesnega učitelja Danijela Mišona, ki jih bo delil z nami ter nas tako pripravil na prihajajoče poletne noči, ko številni lokali ali klubi vabijo na latino noči. Polni plesne samozavesti bomo nadaljevali ...
The cross-country club running season has already started moving around the city greens. Every Monday and Wednesday, as members of the Mutual Club, we can get closer to summer by increasing our fitness, health and good mood. Ljubljana, Celje, Koper, Kranj, Maribor, Murska Sobota, Nova Gorica, Novo mesto and Ravne na Koroškem are...
Young marketing enthusiasts and those who will become them are looking forward to the largest student marketing conference for the fifth time. When putting together the program, the organizers swore by the best; the result is stunning. Among others, Darko Dujič (Google...
Na velikonočno nedeljo je Ankaran že vrsto let stičišče okusov, estetike in hrepenenja po poletju. Praznik cvetja, vina in oljčnega olja privablja kot vsa leta doslej poleg cvetličarjev, oljkarjev, vinarjev, čebelarjev in sirarjev tudi številne druge ponudnike. Prireditev popestrijo številne kulturne ...