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Izvirna indijska hrana je pomembna svetovna kulinarična tradicija, ki je po kakovosti primerljiva s francosko in kitajsko kuhinjo. Pridružite se nam na tečaju indijske kuhinje z Jahnavi Vaishnav - Indijko, ki že vrsto let živi v Sloveniji, a ohranja tradicijo indijske kulture. Tečaj je ...
Trajnice sestavljajo najbolj raznovrstno skupino okrasnih rastlin. Večina trajnic nam bo hvaležna, če jim spomladi namenimo vsaj malo pozornosti. Kako rastline oskrbeti, da bo njihova rast res lepa, vam bo prikazala krajinska arhitektka Andreja Vučer.
In the April showcase of the month, we will present book material related to mail, stamps, and telecommunications. Among the books, you will also find some interesting items from the Department of History and Applied Arts. Messaging has been around forever. Legends testify to rumors and messengers, the first organized...
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ALPINA'S NEW BIGGEST STORE "Alpina Fashion Runway" in BTC Good news for all of you who don't like running from store to store. The largest Alpina store in Slovenia has opened its doors in Ljubljana BTC, which offers quality...
A nice spring greeting! On Saturday, March 24, at 10:00 a.m., we invite you to the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom. This time, the fairytale hour will be held in celebration of the upcoming Mother's Day. Mrs. Jana Osojnik, you...
Velikonočno in decembrsko vzdušje bomo popestrili s tečajem kaligrafije. V sodelovanju z izkušeno kaligrafinjo prirejamo 3-urno učenje kaligrafije s poudarkom na prazničnih voščilnicah. Tečaj je plačljiv. Za ves material bo ...
The comedy was written by Jonas Žnidaršič. In it, he tackled everything he thought was funny, unusual or simply wrong, while staying within the borders of Slovenia. We will most likely have to work really hard for the tickets, because the stage colleagues Jure Godler and Jože Robežnik and the theme - moving...
V Slovenskem mladinskem gledališču to pomlad obljubljajo predstave, ki na živ, nenavaden in hkrati zavezujoč način preizprašujejo današnjo slovensko, evropsko in svetovno družbo. Sprašujejo se o tem, kje so meje naše svobode in kdo nam odreka možnost odločati o lastni usodi. Prva v seriji je ...
The exhibition is subtitled Tendencies in Slovenian Photography, which reveals its basic purpose - to present the latest achievements in the field of contemporary photography. It will take place in three parts. The first series will feature Andraž Beguš, Bojan Radovič and Aleksandra Vajdl. The placement of the trio in the joint set is conditional...
An important theater festival begins this year, as in subsequent years, on World Theater Day. Among the novelties of the festival is a new prize, which will be awarded to the best young playwright. We will watch 8 performances in the competition program, and 5 performances in the accompanying program, which attracted this year's selector...