Take a look at the extensive graphic cycle that was included in the recent exhibition of European Mannerist graphics. Event accompanying the exhibition: During Holy Week, on Tuesday, April 3, 2012, at 6 p.m., we will be guided around the exhibition by "little curators" - children from Primary Alojzij Šuštar's school (Institute of St. ...
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We started a new series of meetings in good company with food and selected wines in mid-March with Italian cuisine, where only a few simple ingredients bring ever new pleasures: pizzas for all tastes, excellent Italian pasta, olive oil, aromatic herbs, parmesan, tiramisu, espresso. Among other things, our chef...
Join us for the opening of the exhibition on barber tools and shaving. We will present a private collection of 20th century barber tools for shaving at home. Wet and dry shaving accessories will be on display, from razors to electric shavers. ...
Warm spring greetings! On Wednesday, March 28, at 5:30 p.m., we invite you to the pleasant atmosphere of the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom for our fairy tale hour. This time we will read the fairy tale Mishek Miri - who is mom's pet? Just who is mom's...
Dear! We inform you that Kocke klub - www.kocke.si will organize the 08th KockeFest - spring 2012 - a LEGO workshop and an exhibition of LEGO creations. The event will also last two days this time, on Saturday...
Osnovno poslanstvo podjetja Eko knjiga d. o. o. je izdaja knjig za planet. Del sredstev od prodaje knjig z živalskimi junaki avtorica knjig in ustanoviteljica podjetja namenja zavetiščem za živali in društvom, kot sta Read More
Izvirna indijska hrana je pomembna svetovna kulinarična tradicija, ki je po kakovosti primerljiva s francosko in kitajsko kuhinjo. Pridružite se nam na tečaju indijske kuhinje z Jahnavi Vaishnav - Indijko, ki že vrsto let živi v Sloveniji, a ohranja tradicijo indijske kulture. Tečaj je ...
Trajnice sestavljajo najbolj raznovrstno skupino okrasnih rastlin. Večina trajnic nam bo hvaležna, če jim spomladi namenimo vsaj malo pozornosti. Kako rastline oskrbeti, da bo njihova rast res lepa, vam bo prikazala krajinska arhitektka Andreja Vučer.
In the April showcase of the month, we will present book material related to mail, stamps, and telecommunications. Among the books, you will also find some interesting items from the Department of History and Applied Arts. Messaging has been around forever. Legends testify to rumors and messengers, the first organized...
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ALPINA'S NEW BIGGEST STORE "Alpina Fashion Runway" in BTC Good news for all of you who don't like running from store to store. The largest Alpina store in Slovenia has opened its doors in Ljubljana BTC, which offers quality...
A nice spring greeting! On Saturday, March 24, at 10:00 a.m., we invite you to the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom. This time, the fairytale hour will be held in celebration of the upcoming Mother's Day. Mrs. Jana Osojnik, you...