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JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
Skupino je zasnoval nekdanje 1. grlo in kitarist skupine Chaosstar, Jure ...
Trata Multipurpose Hall, Škofja Loka, Gorenjska for soloists, choir and orchestra Performers: Symphony Orchestra ...
The Vintage Weekend clothing exchange will take place as part of the Mak Fest. It is intended for all of you who have pieces of clothing in your closet that are beautiful, but unfortunately you never wear them. The exchange is such a perfect opportunity to exchange these pieces for new ones and thus refresh your wardrobe. It is recommended that you bring to the exchange...
Nordijska hoja je gibanje, ki je človeku zelo blizu, zato je primerna za vsakogar. Uporaba palic omogoča, da pri hoji uporabljamo tudi mišice trupa in rok, kar znatno poveča efekt vadbe. Vabljeni na brezplačno delavnico, na kateri se lahko preizkusite v nordijski hoji. Hkrati z vadbo si boste lahko ogledali tudi nekatere ...
Rainbow playgrounds are movement and creative workshops in nature. With the help of the game and under the careful guidance of the animators of ŠAD Mavrica, children get to know the environment around them. The workshops take place every weekend and are intended for all age groups of children. The Mavrica Sports and Athletic Association invites you with its...
Od marca do pozne jeseni si lahko pri nas ogledate edinstveno razstavo kaktusov, preko 1000 eksponatov kaktusov iz zbirke Hrovatin Exotica. Razstava je letos bogatejša še za 100 novih sort. Na razstavi si boste poleg kaktusov lahko ogledali še sočnice, čebulnice, mlečke, žive kamenčke, kristate, bulbe ...
What do you expect from a rose? Would you like a nice border along the driveway, perhaps a hedge of roses? A lush rose that will cover the facade of the house or just a few bushes from which you will cut a bouquet of fragrant flowers? You are invited to the first workshop in the series...
Prisrčen pozdrav ljubiteljem lepih zgodbic!
V sredo, 14.marca, vas ob 17.30 uri vabimo v prijeten ambijent otroške knjigarne Kres pod gradom na našo pravljično urico.Tokrat bomo prebrali pravljico o ...
One day, the little gray mouse found himself face to face with the cat, who was so surprised that the curse "sapramisnazaj" escaped her. And that's how Sapramiška got its name. And...