V pričakovanju najtoplejših dni bo na plesiščih drznost še bolj zaželena, mikavno in suvereno gibanje pa bosta vstopnica do prave zabave. V Kazini se bodo tokrat zbrala vsa dekleta, ki jim je ples v petkah izziv. ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
Štiridnevno dogajanje se začenja z dnevom, namenjenim otrokom, saj bo po dveh poskusnih serijah in kvalifikacijah prvi dan ob 12. uri potekal zabavni program za otroke. Urnik v naslednjih treh dneh je podoben: po občudovanju poletov nas ...
The exhibition, which was co-produced by the Škuc Gallery and the Celeia Celje Institute - Celje Center for Contemporary Arts, will present works created by the artist over the past four years. The Center for Contemporary Arts Celje invites you to the Gallery of Contemporary...
V naslednjih dneh bodo vse do velike čistilne akcije po Sloveniji potekale Eko karavane, ki bodo preko ustvarjalnih delavnic, izmenjav oblačil, nagradnih iger in ogledov zanimivih okoljevarstvenih filmov krepile naš eko občutek. Do 24. marca, ko bomo čistili svojo ...
Janez Janša's project deals with walls as an object of separation, as they are always placed by the side that wants to separate from the other. The installation consists of two ice walls, red and black, on a slightly sloping ground, so that the water slowly melts into a pool in...
Yu Tup je radio s tonom in sliko, gledalci pa smo priča predvidenemu in nepredvidljivemu dogajanju v studiu. Kot je primerno za komercialni radio, v studiu ne sme biti niti sekunde tišine. Vsestranski radijski uslužbenki za to poskrbita z napovedovanjem, petjem, ...
Estetsko dovršena, gibalno atraktivna in izrazno prepričljiva predstava modernega baleta je nastala znotraj Kjara’s Dance Project. Kjara Starič s svojo koreografijo ter mladimi plesalkami in plesalci dopolnjuje podobo slovenske plesne umetnosti z utripom ...
Licking is a humorously absurd, but at the same time fascinating phenomenon, when an individual tries to fool all the museum's security devices just so he can taste the greatest painters - with his tongue. James Powderly and Eun-Jung Son documented the phenomenon on film. For a month we can get to know the picture lovers,...
Spin, turn, roll... Anyway, this time we'll be able to do it completely wirelessly. But only Xbox 360 console owners, sorry. Microsoft has sent the new Wireless Speed Wheel to the shelves, which offers us everything we expect from a gaming wheel (ergonomics, recoil, intuitive control...
The Dension Car Dock iPhone holder will make driving more fun and safer. Why? Because high-quality listening to the entire music collection in the car and hands-free calling are simply cool. And that's what the Dension Car Dock iPhone holder offers us, which can be installed in any make and model...
TomTom has announced the arrival of its Start and Via series of portable navigation devices. Accurate maps are already loaded on the TomTom Start and Via series of products. The map of Slovenia includes more than 105,000 kilometers of roads, and in Croatia 90,000 kilometers of roads and around 7,000 points of interest (points...