Triindvajsetletna Marina živi s svojim očetom v tipičnem industrijskem mestu ob morju. Ker se ji zdi človeška vrsta nenavadna in odbijajoča, jo raje opazuje z varne razdalje in raziskuje ob gledanju dokumentarcev o gorilah, poslušanju benda Suicide ter s pomočjo prijateljičinih lekcij francoskega poljubljanja. ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
The film tells the story of a couple who found themselves on different sides of the conflict in the war in the Balkans. Serbian police officer Danijel and Muslim woman and artist Ajla were a couple before the war, but when the country is engulfed in violence, their relationship changes radically. Months later, they meet again in besieged Sarajevo, she as a prisoner in...
Dva agenta CIE se znajdeta v bitki drug proti drugemu, a vse zaradi prekrasne ženske, v katero sta se zaljubila. Čeprav sprva skleneta, da bosta v ljubezenski tekmi spoštovala načelo prijateljstva, se med njima prične borba za njeno naklonjenost. Z uporabo dolgoletnega vohunskega znanja in najnovejše tehnologije ...
The film is a biographical look at the life of Margaret Thatcher, former British Prime Minister. The true story depicts a woman who had to overcome the barriers of gender and class that existed until then in this male-dominated world. The story focuses on power and the price she had to pay to get…
Alexander Payne is the author of the Oscar-winning film Sideways, but this time he presents the film Descendants, the common thread of which is the unpredictable story of an American family. Matt King is a husband and father of two daughters, ten-year-old Scottie and seventeen-year-old Alexandra. His life changes drastically with the news that his wife is in...
V nedeljo, 18. marca, ob 16. uri se v NMS - Prešernova udeležite preglednega javnega vodstva PRETEKLOST SLOVENIJE, kjer vam bomo razkrili zanimivosti razstav Zakladi Narodnega muzeja Slovenije in Slovenski jezik: identiteta in simbol. Kratka zgodovina Slovencev.Vstopnina po ...
Sabljač Rudolf Cvetko je bil član avstrijske reprezentance, ki je na 5. olimpijskih igrah v Stockholmu leta 1912 osvojila srebrno medaljo v sablji. Z osvojeno olimpijsko medaljo – izdelovali bomo njeno različico – je Cvetko dosegel uspeh, za katerim tudi danes hrepenijo tisoči športnikov vsega ...
The association "KVART" - visual culture and art / arte e cultura visiva in collaboration with the gallery "Apeiron" and the studio of the academic sculptor Marko Zelenka in the old center of Izola organizes a unique carnival event: Exhibition of unique artistic ...
Good girl gone bad or a hard-working girl turned into a fashion designer. The popular pop singer, in collaboration with the renowned Armani fashion house, created a special Capsule collection for their Armani Jeans and Emporio Armani Underwear lines. Rihanna has collaborated on the design of jeans, t-shirts, underwear and fashion...
Fluffy princess is a cute, big, shiny, noticeable and of course fluffy jewelry made by Nina Tomc for all princesses. Bracelets, earrings, brooches, necklaces and rings are made of different materials - wires, beads, stones, artificial masses and lace - but all of them have in common that they are extremely noticeable. In unique pieces...
Designer Nina Košak presents the autumn-winter collection of the brand *ninaluba*, which is as always youthful and urban, but each time more mature and sophisticated. A girl changes into a woman, and her personal style follows this development. The clothes are still made of easy-falling jersey, somewhat...