SPUTNIK ima danes samo eno pravilo! Povabila na ples ne smeš zavrniti! Še bolje, pridi že ob 18h na speeddating! Več na ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
Zaplesali bomo v ritmu valčka, foxtrota, discoswinga in dodali še latino ritme.
V treh vajah, ki se bodo zvrstile v treh zaporednih tednih, boste lahko pridobili ali pa obnovili osnovno plesno znanje in samozavestno in ...
When we put on high heels for the first time, everything turns upside down. We admire the posture and body shape, which is so beautiful and attractive, but what if our feet hurt so quickly? On the bright side, we find that we can't even stand and walk properly, let alone other ailments, because of ...
Greetings to lovers of cute stories! On Wednesday, February 15, at 5:30 p.m., we invite you to fairy hour in the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom. This time, in a beautiful story, the friendship of the little mouse Mini and the puppy Max will be presented to us. The fairy hour will be followed by a creative workshop.