Ob nakupu vstopnice za ogled predstave MIŠEK MIŠKO IN BELAMIŠKA, nudimo 50% popust na vstopnico za Pustno ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
Na starem zaprašenem podstrešju se po mnogih letih ponovno srečata prijatelja iz otroških dni. V skrivnostnih sencah in ob glasnem mišjem škrbljanju ponovno oživita zgodbo o drugačnosti, prijateljstvu in prepovedani ljubezni med Belamiško iz Mišjega Gradca in črnim ...
V tokratni uprizoritvi mojstrovine Williama Shaekespearja bomo imeli še vedno opravka z usodnim ljubezenskim zapletom med Romeom in Julijo, še vedno boste gledalci priča legendarnemu prizoru na balkonu in še vedno bo na koncu polno mrtvih, tako tistih, ki so si to zaslužili, kot tistih, ki so si to zaslužili ...
Na Odru pod zvezdami bo mogoče prisluhniti dvemakoncertoma z originalno zasedbo - s pevko Neco Falk terkitaristoma Jerkom in Mirom ...
The tragicomic character of Laila was created by Michaela Pavlátová, an Oscar-nominated, multiple-award-winning Czech director. Episodes from the life of a cute girl, whom she sometimes smiles at, but quickly sticks her tongue out at, a girl who would sometimes like to be a beauty, but at the same time is quite aware, ...
The play takes us to the distant past, to the Middle East among sultans, caliphs and evil viziers. Prince Ahmed and his assistant, the captor Abu, meet in prison. When they come out of it, their journey takes them on land, sea and air, where they experience incredible adventures. In the end, good wins and Prince Ahmed marries...
It's bad if you're eleven years old, even worse if you're a girl and your parents are divorced and you want to live with your mother, but you have to live with your father and his tan and their running tamalim, even though he's your brother, I mean half-brother. Then you use the old trick and tell mom you're at dad's, and dad that...
Ko se glava odpre domišljiji, skoči iz svetlobe zajček, teka, skače, se igra, doživi brodolom, sreča ptico in najde zlato rožo. No ja, no ja, precej preprosta zgodba, boste rekli, no ja, seveda, saj je za ‘tamale’. Ampak, vas vprašam, katera zgodba pa v svojem bistvu nipreprosta: rojstvo, pot, ...
Klemenčić's magical masterpiece with barely ten-centimeter marionettes is a world attraction that has proven to be a real treat for puppetry lovers and theater professionals at home and around the world. In 1982, Jelena Sitar and Igor Cvetko restored and staged the play for the first time in LGL, now...
Everyone's different, everyone's weird, is designed as a slightly different theatrical, puppet and musical narrative inspired by burlesque about friendship for the youngest. We will look into the life of a worker in a toy factory, where everything is made according to the same hoof. One day, he goes home with one of the toys and meets a circus, which...
Črni muc beli muci na kitaro brenka, da bi mu postala ženka. Obljublja ji vse mogoče, a njegove podoknice se vsakokrat sladkogrenko končajo. Ko mu bela muca končno prisluhne, se zgodijo beli in črni mucki. Rada jih ima, čeprav se ne koplje v mleku in ne živi v gradu, kot ji je bil obljubljal njen ženin. Znana Ribičičeva
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Pravljica o repi velikanki je pravzaprav zgodba o nastanku sveta. Kdo je izpulil repo velikanko, ki je planet? Miška je prijela kokoške, kokoške so prijele goske, goske so prijele ovčke, ovčke so prijelekravico, kravica je prijela babico, babica je prijela dedka, dedek je prijel repo; vlekli so in vlekli, ...