Lutkovna delavnica za otroke in starše, vodita Sonja Kononenko in Irena Zubalič Žan.V imenu lutkovnega kluba se skrivajo lutkovne delavnice za starše in njihove malčke, ki po ogledu sobotne dopoldanske predstave skupaj s Sonjo in Ireno izdelajo enostavno lutko, ki je tematsko vezana na predstavo. Ob tem ...
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Luka Marcen po motivih Prešernovega življenja
"Vse stvari imajo svojo skrivnost, poezija pa je skrivnost vseh stvari." (Federico Lorca). Odkrivanje teh stvari navdušuje mnoge … pesniki iščejo zaklade povsod, in s tem sami postanejo zaklad, njihova življenja pa zakladnica. Takšno ...
Simi hates school, longs for Lejla, the most beautiful girl in the world, to whom he dedicates most of his rap songs, fights with his mother, who has a new boyfriend, visits his father in prison, smokes weed, and deals with petty theft and selling technical toys. The latter soon outgrows the frame of apparent innocence and becomes...
Medtem ko bodo starši hiteli po opravkih, bodo njihovi otroci lahko prisluhnili pravljici, ki jo bo pripovedoval pajac pravljičar, potem bodo pravljico narisali in jo na koncu še odigrali. Odigrali? Prelevili se bodo v škrate, čarovnice, princese, kraljeviče, sonce, mesec, veter,vile in velikane ter ...
Langtang, somewhere in the middle, yet at the end, right on the border with Tibet. Little known landscape N of Kathmandu. Rugged, dotted with thousands of valleys and ridges, which in the distance merge into mighty...
One summer, Videk tears off his only dress. Since they are poor at home, this is a big problem. He's sad and half naked. you probably already guessed...animals come to his aid! The sheep gives the wool, the spider weaves the cloth, the crab cuts the cloth, the bird sews it. He has vision...
About what happens when a young teenager with pockets full of stones stands on an overpass above the highway. "The psychological drama of the search for guilt and the culprit begins. But, as in life, in the hall we remain without a single answer. The performance is fast, strong, energetic, especially...
At the Sunday creative workshop, you will turn into design detectives and find out why the first King's folding chair is called the Indian. Do you know what Alfred Nobel and plywood have in common? What did the idea of perforation bring when making the famous Rex chair? What do a mosquito, a chair have in common...
Eighteen-year-old Eva Mavsar is graduating from the High School for Design and Photography, art high school - fine arts. At the same time, he is also studying industrial design. As the winner of the creative competition of the insurance company Vzajemna, she gave the exterior of the Opel Corsa a unique and imaginative "coat", ...
If we are fans of heavy metal rhythms, the band Dream Theater is no stranger to us. A little less than three decades ago, John Petrucci, John Myung and Mike Portnoy met at the Berklee College of Music in the state of Massachusetts, America. Their love for metal music was first...
Tango lovers have a great opportunity to listen to the passionate and seductive rhythms of this genre at the pre-premiere performance of the Tango Story project during the events of the European Capital of Culture Maribor 2012. The story will be told by top musicians, singers and dancers at the same time. Stefan Milenkovich on violin, Marko Hatlak on...
Three top musicians will lead us masterfully through the Spectrum of Sounds: Marcos and Bernarda Fink and Anthony Spiri. Marcos Fink, baritone and Slovenian classical music singer, was born in a Slovenian emigrant family in Argentina, but mostly lives and works in Ljubljana. He was a member of various vocal groups in...