The musical genre of hip hop has been encountered in almost every party for the past few years. This time, we will learn the basic movement and party steps, but also the most complex and interesting movements of hip hop, on this time's urban rhythms. After the dance, all participants are treated to delicious cakes in the Zvezda Cafe and Confectionery and good shopping in...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
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Slavni ljubezenski zaplet iz Verone vsekakor poznamo vsi, a nas je manj videlo, kako tragedijo predstavijo lutke. V tej igri bomo še vedno priča legendarnemu prizoru na balkonu, …, a ker gre za lutkovno predstavo, bo v njej mnogo več odrske dinamike, saj gre za glasne prepire, divje pretepe, strastni ples ali ...
The author's film evening features award-winning filmmaker Tomaž Gorkič. Together with the world-renowned 666 Productions and Strup Produkcije, it presents a new film creation Between me, you and God. Before the screenings, a faction of the theater group Dejmo stisnt teater will perform with the latest...
The Tourism and Leisure Fair, as a recognizable meeting point of the region's leading tourism actors, attracts us every year with many innovations. This year, among other things, we can look forward to the Global Chef Challange cooking competition in front of the visitors. Along with the fair, we can also see the 8th nautical...
Prva v nizu zgodb Živih dvorišč nam razkriva zaklade, ki jih v svojih nedrjih skriva Maribor. Ob žarečem ognju v družbi Nine Šulin bomo spoznavali tiste vsakdanje mite, ki dajejo mestu značilen temperament. Svoje zgodbe bomo lahko pripovedovali tudi sami v Muzeju Živih dvorišč, ki bo spletal zgodbe ...
Under the multifaceted and recognizable title is a selected and transparent exhibition of top creators from various fields of design, united in the Society of Designers of Slovenia. The exhibition presents design works in the field of visual communications, industrial and unique design, scenography and...
Morkobot (ITA) - psychedelic/experimental rockRead More
Siena Root (SWE) – 70's psychedelic/progressive/stoner rock
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Little hoof man, he's a bright hero, he never stops, he never stops hoofing, he hoofs through and through, he hoofs Anko in the nose. This is how Oton Župančič brought this very old toy closer to all of us in a song. The hoof is a toy in the form of a flat man with movable limbs connected by a string on the back. If the string...
Pozdravljeni vsi ljubitelji pravljic!
V soboto, 21. januarja, vas ob 10.00 uri, vljudno vabimo na našo vsakotedensko pravljično urico s pravljičarko Jano Osojnik. Tokrat vam bo prebrala pravljico, Pih in Puhica! Kdo pravi, da zajčki in miške ne morejo ...
This year we are preparing the 21st carnival in Lenart, which will take place on Saturday, February 18, 2012. We invite groups, individuals, children and adults to join the procession. ...
In conjunction with the Contemporary Finnish Glass 2005-2010 exhibition, we invite you to a tour of the exhibition and a creative workshop for the whole family. The workshop is suitable for the whole family. Price 3.5 euros. Duration: 120 minutes. The children take away the products made in the workshops...