Predstavitev hrane, kulture in vin na Goričkem
V dveh urah bomo pod strokovnim vodstvom kuharjev s Srednje šole za gostinstvo in turizem Celje spoznali izvor hrane, praktično uporabo v vsakdanjem življenju, recepte - male skrivnosti velikih mojstrov in nabor prekmurskih ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
V dvorani kultne plesne šole Kazina so se tokrat zbrala le dekleta, ki so v visokih petkah postala še drznejša. Z plesno učiteljico in koreografinjo Andrejo Vakselj so se učile nekaj novih plesnih gibov, korakov in poz, ki bodo ples v petkah naredili še bolj prepoznaven. ...
ČarniCe is one of the few choral ensembles in our country that works with different conductors on a project basis. They build recognition through the high-quality implementation of a diverse program, and in doing so they were guided by the preservation of cultural heritage and the promotion of Slovenian creativity. The group has been active since the fall of 2002. It was founded by singers who are like...
Prisrčno pozdravljeni, mali in veliki ljubitelji otroških knjigic in ustvarjanja!
V snežinkah, ki padajo na božični večer, je skrit prav poseben čar. In ko gospod Snežak otrese svoj cilinder, se čarovnija začne. Želja majhne deklice in male bele muce iz ...
A lecture about the current exhibition in Villa Manin (Videm), whose title is EXPRESSIONISM and talks about the Die Brücke movement from 1905 onwards, i.e. about the transition from Impressionism to Expressionism. Lecturer Tomi Vugrinec will take us from the birth of modern...
Dear fans of beautiful stories! Even the last day of this year, 31.12. at 10:00 a.m., in the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom, which is located in the building of the Ljubljana Puppet Theater opposite the funicular to the castle, we are holding a fairy tale hour for children from the age of three...
In this production of William Shakespeare's masterpiece, we will still be dealing with the fatal love affair between Romeo and Juliet, the audience will still witness the legendary scene on the balcony, and the end will still be full of dead, both those who deserved it and those who who are these...
The fairy tale of Hans Christian Andersen, who wanted to be an actor, novelist and playwright, but became one of the most popular authors of children's fairy tales, is a story about two friends, a story about finding a lost half, about forgiveness, redemption, love and ...
Irena and Karel went on a picnic, but Karel forgot to tell the very hungry Irena that he must first fulfill the promise he made to the children and tell them a fairy tale about a very very very hungry white kitten Tacamuci, who is the last cat tolar, she would rather buy a green strip than something to put under her teeth. The refrigerator becomes a ferret...
Nagrada za ohranjanje tradicije hišnega marionetnega gledališča ansamblu LGL na čelu z Iztokom Jerebom na 42. PIF 2009, ZagrebČarobna Klemenčičeva mojstrovina s komaj deset centimetrov velikimi marionetami je svetovna zanimivost, ki se je izkazala kot prava poslastica za ljubitelje lutkovne umetnosti in ...
Puppet workshop for children and parents, led by Sonja Kononenko and Irena Zubalič Žan. The name of the puppet club hides puppet workshops for parents and their little ones, who, after watching the Saturday morning show, together with Sonja and Irena, make a simple puppet that is thematically linked to the show. At this ...