Prisrčno pozdravljeni, mali in veliki ljubitelji otroških knjigic in ustvarjanja!
Živali ob jezeru priredijo vsako leto pred božičem veliko tekmovanje na drsalkah. Seveda pa ima vsaka od njih svoje načrte, kako bi lahko zmagala...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
You are invited to the following travel lectures: Who and what: traveler Petra Draškovič, lecture Alaska When and where: Wednesday 18 January 2012 at 18:00. hours in the Library of Oton Župančič, Kersnikova 2, Ljubljana Who and what: traveler Vesna Hauschild, lecture ...
Tokratna vitrina meseca se bo dotaknila zdravstva in bolnišnic. Večina med nami se bo strinjala, da sta zdravnik in medicinska sestra dva od najbolj odgovornih poklicev na svetu. Po drugi svetovni vojni lahko govorimo o dobi sodobne zdravstvene nege, za prvo šolano medicinsko sestro pri nas pa so razglasili Angelo ...
Reload Special: Cari Lekebusch in Joel Mull v Novi Gorici!
Letošnjo Reload sezono začenjamo z dogodkom, ki se bo zapisal kot eden največjih v letošnji klubski sezoni!
Na januarsko edicijo namreč prihajata švedska techno ...
Friday / 27.1.2012 / 23.00 Synaptic presents: Thomas Brinkmann "minimum mission" The next stop on the journey through the land of artificial night noise is located deep in the microcosm of isolationist techno with the German stainless stamp. This time in four with home support...
Saturday / 21.1.2011 / 10 p.m. Roza Bota - Be Who You Are, Love Who You Love Big flor: RydelManatea Small flor: DJ PAPIDJ NAJVisualizations: Etc (Permanent) At the first Roza party in 2012 we will once again provide an unforgettable night. Yes intergenerational ...
This Sunday, after Nika Kralja's design exhibition, Maja Lozar Štamcar will be in charge.Dr. Maja Lozar Štamcar is a museum advisor at the Department of History and Applied Art in the National Museum of Slovenia, where she works in the field of furniture, clocks and lamps.
After 1960, Niko Kralj devoted most of his attention to system furniture. He developed various building blocks and joints that allowed the user to assemble the furniture himself according to his own ideas. We will undertake the same task ourselves. Join us in assembling miniature furniture...
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France is considered the homeland of modern wine, the pinnacle of wine experiences, a mirror and model for the wines of the world. Indulge in the scent of lavender and together we will discover what France has to offer in terms of wine. In the evening, we will get to know some wines from the prestigious regions of Bordeaux and Burgundy, as well as some excellent...
Petra Kovačič and Timotej Kosovinc have been working together since 2008. During their studies in Ljubljana, they worked under the mentorship of prof. Tomaž Lorenz, and they are currently studying at the University of Music and Visual Arts in Vienna. For the GM season ticket and outside (€5) Ticket sales: TIC...
Stefan Milenkovich, violin; Marko Hatlak, accordion; Ars Tango ensemble: Marko Korošec, guitar; Luka Herman Gaiser, double bass; Mladen Delin, piano; Primož Vidovič, tenor; Ana Delin, soprano; Uroš Andič and Mateja Juvan, dance Top guest soloists will take you from the old Tango Vieh from the taverns and...