The graphic cabinet of the National Museum of Slovenia houses an extensive collection of Mannerist prints from the leading cultural centers of the time – Rome, Venice, Antwerp, Haarlem, Prague, Munich... The virtuoso works of the greatest protagonists of this bizarre style are mostly being presented in Slovenia for the first time. We invite you to...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
We will print linocuts, learning about the production process: carving and printing an artistic motif from a graphic board. In the run-up to the Christmas and New Year holidays, we will make our holiday business card based on simplified mannerist motifs from the exhibition. The workshop is suitable for all ages. Products, ...
On Friday, December 9, 2011, at 7 p.m., you are invited to the atrium of the National Museum of Slovenia - Prešernova for a New Year's concert by the vocal quartet Pella and the promotion of Ljuben Dimkaroski's new CD Prazvok davnine. The guests of the evening will be Lasanthi Maranjanie Kalinga Dona, Carlos Yoder and Svanibor Pettan. Listen...
December je lep. Diši po cimetu in orehih. Je poln obetov, upanj in pričakovanj. Je čas praznikov, čas za družino in čas za razvajanja. A žal ne za vse.
On December 9, 2011 at 7 p.m., we cordially invite you to the entrance hall of Sokolski dom, to the opening of the exhibition Berko - Digital images. We are proud to be able to host the recipient of the Jakopič Award for 2010 in our Cultural Center, which is our highest artistic recognition. The exhibition will be on view until January 10, from...
V okviru Kristalnega abonmaja bomo to sredo lahko prisluhnili Renato Chicco Jazz Triu, ki ga sestavljajo trije vrhunski glasbeniki. Vabljeni v Sokolski ...
Prisrčen pozdrav vsem ljubiteljem lepih zgodbic!
V sredo, 7.decembra, vas ob 17.30 uri vabimo v prijeten ambijent otroške knjigarne Kres pod gradom na ustvarjalno delavnico, ki ji bo sledila pravljična urica. Tokrat vam bo knjigo Plamenčki sreče, ...
Children, on the Christmas mini-date you will meet a good-natured, round-faced man with a dance and a story, whose profession is listening to the wishes of children and giving them gifts. It comes from the far north pole where it is home. He is dressed in dwarven clothes of red color with white...
Profanity fest #1 je prvi (doh) koncert v liniji ne enega koncerta za promocijo slovenske spletne milozvočne revije Profanity ( Glede ...
The KPŠ freshman party is a traditional party for young people, where freshmen and students become full members of the Ptuj Students' Club. This year's event will be hosted by one of the most recognizable Slovenian musical groups of the last decade, namely Siddharta, which is not in Ptuj...