JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
Prisrčen pozdrav vsem ljubiteljem lepih zgodbic!
V sredo, 7.decembra, vas ob 17.30 uri vabimo v prijeten ambijent otroške knjigarne Kres pod gradom na ustvarjalno delavnico, ki ji bo sledila pravljična urica. Tokrat vam bo knjigo Plamenčki sreče, ...
Children, on the Christmas mini-date you will meet a good-natured, round-faced man with a dance and a story, whose profession is listening to the wishes of children and giving them gifts. It comes from the far north pole where it is home. He is dressed in dwarven clothes of red color with white...
Profanity fest #1 je prvi (doh) koncert v liniji ne enega koncerta za promocijo slovenske spletne milozvočne revije Profanity ( Glede ...
The KPŠ freshman party is a traditional party for young people, where freshmen and students become full members of the Ptuj Students' Club. This year's event will be hosted by one of the most recognizable Slovenian musical groups of the last decade, namely Siddharta, which is not in Ptuj...
Lep pozdrav vsem ljubiteljem lepih zgodbic!
Kot vsako, tudi to soboto, 3.12.2011 ob 10.00 uri, v otroški knjigarni Kres pod gradom prirejamo pravljično dogodivščino. Knjigo Snežakov prvi božič bo tudi tokrat prebrala pravljičarka, gospa ...
December, the month of washing and gifts, is here. Right at the beginning, the first of the holy men who bring gifts will visit us. Through the dance story, we will get to know Santa Claus, who comes to us on foot or on a sleigh pulled by a horse-drawn carriage. ...
The winners of the Danish competition for the best young jazz band in 2011. Punk - trash - jazz for the beginning of the month of Jazzuar 2012. The month of Jazzuar in Ravne is being started by energetic Danes. Mikkel Grevsen (t), Mads Lund Egetoft (ts), Kristoffer Tophøj: (dr), ...
Ena od stalnic programa Jazz Ravne je tudi obvezen koncert bluesa in tako bo tudi v sezoni 2011/2012. Poleg domače zasedbe je skupina Bluesbrakers ena redkih, ki jih bomo na našem odru gostili že drugič. In to ne brez razloga! Energični Avstrijci so bili med prvimi tujci, ki so nastopili pri nas in so povsem zasluženo ...
Čudoviti ambient Filipovega dvorca in Slaščičarne Lolita sta konec novembra spet gostila urbano umetnost. V okviru dogodka City Events smo se lahko prepustili mojstrom preobrazbe v stilskem kotičku Make-up designory in občudovali kolekcijo nakita Frey ...
Ob že utečeni ekipi Kavalovih kuharskih mojstrov in budnim očesom Roberta Gorjaka iz vinske šole Belvin je tokratna City kuharska akademija v razstavnem salonu Siemens nekoliko bolj jesensko hedonistična, saj smo se predajali novim, zanimivim kombinacijam ...