"Transmittance was conceived by Maja Delak and Luka Prinčič and some co-creators. Seven performers, visual artists, musicians and computer programmers explore artistic collaboration that is local, global, networked and broadcast. During the course of the project, the resulting events can...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
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The immortal tale of fragile beauty and devotion is one of the most well-known and watched ballet performances, attracting the biggest names in ballet since its inception. The world premiere was held many years ago by the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow, and soon the original musical composition was performed in the St. Petersburg Russian Imperial Ballet...
Within the framework of Saša Sedlaček's solo exhibition, the most characteristic projects of the last ten years are brought together for the first time. Projects such as Piknik na deponia, Žicar, Urban, Vesoljske smeti, The Ex, No Lego, Just Do It, AcDcWc, Big Shutdown show that Saša Sedlaček transforms trash into...
Predstava se po skoraj nepreštevnih gostovanjih in mnogih nagradah ponovno vrača v Slovenijo. Priložnosti ponovno ali prvič videti plesni projekt Edwarda Cluga vsekakor ne smemo zamuditi. Izhodišče za projekt je glasba skupine Radiohead, ki je zvočni odsev našega časa, njihova besedila pa so odraz ...
Kaval's master chefs and the Belvin wine school will lead us into a month full of parties with ideas on how to compete with professional parties at home with indispensable delicacies from Eta. They will offer us some useful tips for interesting snacks and always desirable...
Ob kratkih animiranih filmih iz Vzhodne in Srednje Evrope velja iz bogatega programa animiranega filma izpostaviti štiri celovečerne festivalske hite: Illusionist, Metropia, Chico in Rita ter Mačje življenje. Pester nabor animacij v sklopu programa Slon bo razveseljeval predvsem otroke, mladino in družine. Posebna ...
Bliža se začetek nove sezone porok in s tem čas, ko bomo nekateri začeli z načrtovanjem našega dneva. V ta namen bo odprl svoja vrata že četrti ekskluzivni Poročni sejem. Predstavili se nam bodo zanimivi ponudniki, ki bodo s svojim znanjem in izkušnjami olajšali predporočne priprave in poskrbeli, da bo ta ...
Also this year, many national and municipal cultural institutions will open their doors on the national cultural holiday. There will be free performances, exhibitions, concerts, lectures, guided tours and workshops. On Prešeren's birthday, accessibility and people's desire for...
Mesec z najdaljšimi nočmi si verjetno že odkar obstaja človek obogatimo z umetno lučjo. Navada nam je prišla v kri, tako da že komaj čakamo na številne pisane lučke, ki nas bodo cel mesec spremljale na vsakem koraku, seveda ne brez zabavnih prireditev in toplih napitkov. Letos se bodo lučke najprej ...
For the first time, we can witness ten extraordinary voices that have been enthralling the entire globe for ten years. The group combines pop rock music with classical opera, which requires the best talent. Their success is also based on good looks and variety. The last tour was described by their music director as…
Trinajsti seminar medijskih trendov bo dal odgovore o medijih, na katere se je pri komunikacijskih akcijah smiselno osredotočiti in pokazal, kako izkoristiti njihov potencial. Gre za odgovore na ključno vprašanje, ali v današnji medijski in komunikacijski panogi obstaja zvestoba. Poleg Valerije Prevolšek iz ...
The fully redesigned Maxi, which embodies the urban lifestyle, invites us to celebrate its fortieth birthday. She awaits us with a birthday cake, a welcome drink, make-up and socializing. They will create an RDYO atmosphere behind the turntables...