Hearty greetings to all lovers of heartwarming stories! On Wednesday, November 23, at 5:30 p.m., we invite you to the pleasant atmosphere of the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom for our fairy tale hour, which will be followed by a creative workshop. We will read the book Lara's star. ONE CLEAR NIGHT LARA WASN'T AND COULDN'T SLEEP. ...
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Tokrat smo v Maxi salonskem klubu v prenovljeni blagovnici Maxi na urbanem dogodku City events uživali ob zvokih RDYO DJs, modni reviji, francoskih vinih in sirih ter ob razgledovanju in nakupovanju šik spodnjega perila in parfumov Bvlgari Jasmin Noir ...
Novembra smo na urbanih ritmih s plesno šolo Kazina spoznavali clubbing in plesne korake, ob katerih se bomo predvsem zabavali in se pripravljali na žuranje z ritmom in gibom ob priljubljenih glasbenih pop uspešnic, ki jih zvečer v klubu zahtevamo od DJ-a. Plesno razgiban večer smo nadaljevali v kavarni ...
Peter Pan is primarily aimed at children and everyone who is learning the magic of ballet art for the first time. Choreographer Edward Clug says about the play that through it he returns to a wonderful and unique time of his childhood. The play is not about Peter Pan, but about a group of lonely children who live in a boarding school and alone...
We all know Tone Partljič as an irresistibly funny comedian and at the same time as a politician. Despite the fact that a lot has been happening on both stages in recent months, Partljič is somewhat less active in Ljubljana. The reality is changing in December, as the new comedy Sprava is coming to the stage. Until the premiere, the creators want to be a bit...
"Transmittance was conceived by Maja Delak and Luka Prinčič and some co-creators. Seven performers, visual artists, musicians and computer programmers explore artistic collaboration that is local, global, networked and broadcast. During the course of the project, the resulting events can...
The immortal tale of fragile beauty and devotion is one of the most well-known and watched ballet performances, attracting the biggest names in ballet since its inception. The world premiere was held many years ago by the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow, and soon the original musical composition was performed in the St. Petersburg Russian Imperial Ballet...
Within the framework of Saša Sedlaček's solo exhibition, the most characteristic projects of the last ten years are brought together for the first time. Projects such as Piknik na deponia, Žicar, Urban, Vesoljske smeti, The Ex, No Lego, Just Do It, AcDcWc, Big Shutdown show that Saša Sedlaček transforms trash into...
Predstava se po skoraj nepreštevnih gostovanjih in mnogih nagradah ponovno vrača v Slovenijo. Priložnosti ponovno ali prvič videti plesni projekt Edwarda Cluga vsekakor ne smemo zamuditi. Izhodišče za projekt je glasba skupine Radiohead, ki je zvočni odsev našega časa, njihova besedila pa so odraz ...
Kaval's master chefs and the Belvin wine school will lead us into a month full of parties with ideas on how to compete with professional parties at home with indispensable delicacies from Eta. They will offer us some useful tips for interesting snacks and always desirable...
Ob kratkih animiranih filmih iz Vzhodne in Srednje Evrope velja iz bogatega programa animiranega filma izpostaviti štiri celovečerne festivalske hite: Illusionist, Metropia, Chico in Rita ter Mačje življenje. Pester nabor animacij v sklopu programa Slon bo razveseljeval predvsem otroke, mladino in družine. Posebna ...