This time, the hall of the cult dance school will probably only be filled with girls who are even more daring in high heels. With Andreja Vakselj, it will be possible to master some new dance moves, steps and poses that will make dancing in high heels even more recognizable. Dancing in high heels will no longer just be a conquered challenge, but ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
Jubilee, 5th consecutive Christmas-New Year's concert by Anja Bukovec with guests.
Drugi četrtek v novembru smo se v Restavraciji DiVino v Kristalni palači na City After Work Partyu zabavali v družbi športne trgovine Forme F+. Poleg dobre glasbe in kulinaričnega razvajanja smo bili deležni še pijače dobrodošlice ter ...
This time, at the City Cooking Academy in the Siemens showroom, chefs from the Mexican restaurant Imperio Mexicano joined us for tasty adventures. In addition to the special Desperados beer, the central place on the counter and table belonged to Poco products this time...
A big hit from the silver age of Vienna is coming to Savinjska dolina...
Čas je da ponovno oživimo tovarniško atmosfero v kateri kraljujejo ostre fleksarice, udrihanje pnevmatičnih kladiv, driftanje viličarjev, donenje druge težke mehanizacije in zaženemo tekoči trak. Povedano z drugimi besedami, dubstep ...
Leto je naokrog in to lahko pomeni le eno stvar – nov INDIE ROCK večer! Na odru nastopajo londonsko-logaški indie (garažni) rockerji Barely Modern, ki se v domovino vračajo bogatejši za novo izkušnjo, letom ...
Ob razstavi Oblikovanje republike poteka serija predavanj Naslednjih 20, ki je namenjena prihodnosti. Kakšni so trendi, kdo so arhitekti, oblikovalci in fotografi, ki prihajajo, in kako razmišljajo? Zato je MAO povabil mlajše ustvarjalce s področja arhitekture, oblikovanja in fotografije, da predstavijo svoje ...
You are invited to a Sunday workshop dedicated to letters! Letters are all around us. They come in all shapes and sizes. They annoy us when we try to read and write them for the first time. Sometimes they are too small, sometimes too much. Therefore, we will go to the land of letters and discover why they are like that and how they are created. The workshop is suitable for...
Predavanje Tine Istinič, mlade raziskovalke Narodnega muzeja SlovenijeLetos mineva 370 let od rojstva Janeza Vajkarda Valvasorja. Poleg dela stalne razstave, ki je bila maja 2011 odprta na njegovem domu, gradu Bogenšperk, bomo njegovo letopospremili še s predavanjem. Valvasor bo predstavljen v ...