Rock fans, beware. We are in for a real rock treat. After more than five years, the giants of hard rock, Whitesnake, are returning to Ljubljana. At that time, the legendary band filled the Ljubljana Križanka and really impressed. This time they will perform in the big hall of Hale Tivoli. The group was formed...
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Starfuckers are coming to Kino Šiška. A Portland band that describes their music as dance music you can listen to and pop music you can actually dance to. Even with their provocative name, they stand out from the crowd, and they will absolutely amaze us live. Every time again...
The rock concert of the year promises to be held in the Red Hall. In addition to the always excellent and musically interesting Tabujevci, we will be warmed up by young and up-and-coming bands. We will be entertained by the members of the Velenje group Big Addiction, Voyage, who, in addition to their own hits, will also play a hit by Lady Gaga, David...
Iz Velike Britanije prihaja skupina Are You Experienced. Ena najboljših tribute skupin nam prinaša vzdušje in glasbo legendarnega in nepozabnega vrhunskega rock kitarista in pevca Jimija Hendrixa. Kitarist John Campbell mu je ...
We are looking forward to another great party, where we will dance, socialize and chat with our friends to great music. Shishmish party with RDYO DJs will entertain us long into the night. This time they are being visited by a part of the Split group TBF in a soundsystem performance and some of their friends...
The two hundredth anniversary of the birth of Franz Liszt will be honored in Celje with a piano recital by the excellent Celje pianist Benjamin Govžet. The concert program will include the master's famous works. We will hear Hungarian Rhapsody in A minor, Sonata in B minor, Dance of the Dead, Transcendental Etude in G minor, La regata Veneziano and...
Mednarodno priznani vsestranski ustvarjalec, priljubljeni igralec, glasbenik, poet, predvsem pa vrhunski interpret Rade Šerbedžija se bo v družbi odličnih glasbenikov, zbranih v skupini Zapadni kolodvor, občinstvu predstavil s širokim repertoarjem kompozicij z albuma Imam pjesmu za tebe ter Ponekad dolazim, ponekad ...
Premiera izjemne predstave in scenskega spektakla Splendid Jeana Geneta v režiji priznane hrvaške režiserke Senke Bulić.
Režija: Senka Bulić
Asistent režije: Juš A. Zidar Prevod: Aleš Berger Igrajo: Gašper Jarni, Klemen Mauhler, Lun Sevnik, Stane Tomazin, Domen Valič, Miha Rodman, ...
Documentary film about the 25-year career of Saša Lošić and the legendary Sarajevo band Plavi orkestar and about the time when the former common state fell apart and the Balkan Sea was happening. A true story about a time and a generation that survived the collapse of the country and a change in the value system, yet remained...
Film gostuje na različnih filmskih festivalih po Evropi, Aziji, Ameriki in je bil v obdobju dobrega pol leta od realizacije prisoten na že več kot 20 mednarodnih filmskih festivalih. Glavni junak je Koyaa, ki se na čisto poseben način spoprijema z vsakdanjimi opravki. Stvari se zapletejo že zjutraj, ko si skuša zavezati ...
The story takes place on the west coast of Ireland, where Sergeant Gerry Boyle lives in a small town, a cantankerous policeman with a revolutionary sense of humor, a dying mother, an interest in prostitutes, and nothing at all moved by the international drug cartel that has delivered to his doorstep FBI agent Wendell Everett. But even though it seems that...
The Christmas romantic comedy, filmed under the direction of Slovenian director Mitja Okorn, tells the stories of five women and men who intertwine on the eve of Christmas in Warsaw. Everyone has different lifestyles, everyone knows what sadness is, what joy is, everyone has different priorities and...