Warm greetings, young and old lovers of children's books! On Saturday, October 22, at 10:00 a.m., we invite you to the pleasant atmosphere of the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom for our traditional fairy tale hour. This time too, it will be chosen...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
In the Stolp nad Pelikanova potjo at the Old Castle of Celje, the photographic exhibition Dialog of Images, by David Brusnjak, is on display until November 6. Photographer David Brusnjak (MF FZS, EFIAP) is one of those authors who takes a broad approach to his work, as he deals with various technical approaches, connects...
"The real show", educational comedy Sunday, October 31, 2011 at 2:00 p.m. Shopping for witches Magical ...
Saturday, October 29, 2011 at 9:30 p.m. Celj youth center - hall. The band Kula was founded at the end of 2005. The band members are: Bojan Križan (bass guitar), Damir Hodić...
Katarina Mala entered the musical summer easily with the mischievous Ciao Ciao and conquered the radio charts with her in no time. Together with Marko Gregorič, they are already preparing the release of the second single with a cute song-like "oh, how I got fat again" theme,...
The Leart online store of unique products could be described as the Slovenian version of Etsy. At www.leart.si, in addition to a wide variety of items made from different materials, we also offer a rich selection of clothing, jewelry and fashion accessories. The offer of women's and men's fashion includes unique pieces from the brands FINdizajn, DudaKunda, ...
Crazy about shoes, especially those with infinitely high heels? A real treasure trove of beautiful shoes that even a modern Cinderella wouldn't be able to resist can be found at www.noranapetke.si. We will find your perfect pair among the range of open, closed and full heels and heeled boots, for...
Po najbolj "fensi" torbice in drobižnice se moramo odpraviti na naslov www.fensismensi.com. Tam nas pričakujejo najbolj ljubki potiski in najbolj očarljivi detajli, na primer češnja na vrhu male torbice. Retro vzorci svetlečih barv ter izvrstna in ročna izdelava so tisto, kar te ...
Working women need large handbags, almost travel bags. They always have a bunch of ideas for which they also need space in their bag. These women need Moja Moja handbags that embody a lively and mischievous personality. They are as big as travel bags, but trapped in a classic rectangular shape, cheerful colors, mischievous buttons, ...
If buying the right bra is more of a stressful than a pleasant task, Lisca offers an interesting solution. The purchase can be made online on their website. In the online store, you can find everything that they also offer in their stores: underwear, swimwear, sleepwear, blouses and even gifts and outlets...
Odštekana oblačila z urbanim priokusom najdemo pod imenom Love Design. Poleg slovenskih oblikovalcev, med katerimi najdemo Jano Kotesko, Sašo Fabjan, Tino Pavlin, Nino Vodopivec, Edito Nardin in Nino Graabar, so na naslovu www.lovedesign.si tudi kreatorji iz Hrvaške in ...