In September 1892, the new building of the State Theater was ceremoniously opened in Ljubljana. The ceremonial speech was given by Ignac Boršnik, and the members of the Dramatic Society performed in Veronika Deseniška's play. It was a big holiday for Slovenians in Ljubljana and Carniola, because they finally came true...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
The exhibition of European Mannerist graphics presents a series of superb art exhibits from the mature 16th and early 17th centuries. Mannerism, an unusual period between the late Renaissance and High Baroque, replaced order and harmony with unrest and anxiety, balanced proportions gave way to perspective and anatomical... offers a revolutionary way to shop for the season's most fashionable pieces. It connects the world's best boutiques in fashion capitals such as Paris, Milan, New York, Copenhagen, London and Los Angeles, providing an extremely wide range of designers and brands in a very easy and...
One of the most prestigious and besieged online outlets is certainly The Outnet. Discounts up to 80 % require quick fingers as some pieces go extremely fast. If until now brands like Balmain, Donna Karan, Alexander Wang, Herve Leger, Rick Owens and others were just utopian dreams, we are finally a step...
Have we lost motivation to work? Then we must not miss the City After Work Party, where the fun side of business awaits us, this time at a new and trendy location - the DiVino restaurant in the Crystal Palace. We will relax to house rhythms, and for a welcome drink and snack there will be...
Delo je prvotno roman Daniela Glattauerja, avtorja dveh največjih knjižnih uspešnic zadnjega časa. Z romanom Proti severnemu vetru in njegovim nadaljevanjem Vsakih sedem valov je pisatelj dosegel izjemen uspeh in se povzpel med najbolj brane, uveljavljene in priljubljene avtorje. Ker je že kot mlad pisal kratke zgodbe ter ...
The exhibition will remind us of the Ljubljana Film Festival in a nice way for a few weeks, as it shares a cultural institution and theme with it to a certain extent. It is about the confrontation of two media, which are opposite in many aspects, since photography is static and depicts, ...
The story of one of the most successful Slovenian films of all time, directed by Tijana Zinajić, is also staged in the theater, produced by the Šodr Theater in collaboration with the Šentjakob Theater. In the spirit of the film, the characters of five boys come to life before us, who are called...
The Slovenian-Croatian comedy was twisted by Gojmir Lešnjak Gojc and Jagoda Kralj Novak, who brought quite a few illusions to the current happenings in Maribor in the themes of Petr Turrini's theater play Grillparzer im Pornoladen. According to the past comedy productions of the Maribor National House, this show will also be in...
Pretekli mesec se nam je priložnost ogleda novega režijskega podviga Dragana Živadinova ponudila le nekajkrat, v tem mesecu imamo še tri priložnosti: 22., 24. in 25. oktobra. Gre za obveznost v rokovniku vsakega gledališkega ljubitelja, saj drama ni zanimiva le zaradi imen, ki stojijo za njo, ampak tudi ...
Tokrat se nam bodo pri okusnih podvigih pridružili kuharji iz mehiške restavracije Imperio Mexicano, zabavno popoldne pa nam bo pričaralo tudi mehiško pivo Desperados. Osrednje mesto na pultu in mizi tokrat pripada izdelkom Poco Loco, s katerimi bomo ustvarjali specialitete mehiške hrane. Začeli bomo s ...
Slovenske blagovne znamke, kot so m*Faganel, Farandula, Alenka Globočnik, pletenine Urše Draž in Almira Sadar, bodo ta dan dosegljivejši, saj si jih bomo lahko privoščili z 20-odstotnim popustom. Šoping bodo popestrili RDYO DJs in promocijsko predstavljene slaščice restavracije Romansa 1971. Nove ...