The international festival of magicians, illusionists and similar skills has a long tradition, which is being continued this year by quite a few distinguished guests. For example, Danny Cole has already been declared the best magician twice, Sam Sebastian is known as an outstanding stand-up magician, who moved away from the ruts or bunnies...
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Peti bienale vidnih sporočil Slovenije nadaljuje prakso vzpostavljanja kriterijev odličnosti na področju oblikovanja vidnih sporočil, spodbujanja rasti in promoviranja njihove kakovosti ter zviševanje ravni vizualne kulture. V ljubljanski Narodni galeriji si bomo lahko oglegali dve razstavi – skupinsko razstavo ...
This year, the autumn running day around the city introduces several shorter runs aimed at younger people. On Saturday, elementary and high school students will run through the streets in a relaxed spirit, and even the youngest will take part in the Lumpa run. We can encourage them at 4 p.m. The next day, the distances will be a little longer, because...
Perforations takes place in three Croatian cities: Zagreb, Rijeka and Dubrovnik, providing an overview of theatre, dance and performative productions. Under the leadership of Zvonimir Dobrović, only names that expand or complement a particular genre with their work are included in the program. They are also presented at the related...
The movement performance, prepared by Moon Young HA, Shimrit Golan and Ana Pečer, tests the contrasts between the body and the immaterial idea of sound, video and light. The authors, each with their own experience, are looking for a new language of inter-media communication. The main ideas of the play remain in the interpersonal interweaving of ideas and mutual...
Ob drugem festivalu orientalskega plesa poleg plesnih delavnic tujih in domačih učiteljev vsekakor ne smemo pozabiti na tri dogodke. Ob odprtju bo potekal šov s skupino Nymphs in Mercedes Nieto. Prihajajoči vikend bo rezerviran za Galabeya zabavo, kjer bomo poplesavali na priljubljeno egipčansko glasbo, in za Nawar gala ...
The final event of the project, which took place under the auspices of Maribor, the European Capital of Culture 2012, in a larger format, presents the award-winning authors. Since the presentations are linked to authors born or anchored in the present place, this time we will get to know Tone Partljič or his award-winning comedy Tea for...
The SoundHub 7000 boasts an elegant and slim speaker design in a combination of glass and aluminum. It is equipped with Crystal Clear Sound technology, which ensures extremely clear and detailed sound. The system has built-in special diaphragms on the tweeters, which ensure clear reproduction of high and medium...
Apparently, the Canon company wanted to upgrade the union of "useful with useful" and sent for sale a "thinned" symbiotic hybrid of a mouse and a desktop calculator. The X Mark I Mouse Slim, as the model is called, is therefore a (lucky?) combination of a numeric keypad and ...
Great times are in store for guitar enthusiasts. The Kemper Profiling Amplifier promises to be able to "profile" any sound sent through its electronic circuits. Which means, for example, that we will place a microphone in front of the (borrowed) Marshall full stack, which we will plug into...
The HP also fares well in business lines...erm...offices. How could you not? The recently introduced series of printers, which will attract not only home users but also those from the business sector, is promising. For capturing images of three-dimensional objects and scanning documents, the HP TopShot LaserJet Pro M275 ...
Sometimes we just wish that the phrase less is more was also true from time to time. Especially when it comes to home entertainment electronics. Harman Kardon's MAS 110 digital stereo system wants to convince us of just that. CD player, FM and silent digital radio receiver, clock with delay option...