The SoundHub 7000 boasts an elegant and slim speaker design in a combination of glass and aluminum. It is equipped with Crystal Clear Sound technology, which ensures extremely clear and detailed sound. The system has built-in special diaphragms on the tweeters, which ensure clear reproduction of high and medium...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
Apparently, the Canon company wanted to upgrade the union of "useful with useful" and sent for sale a "thinned" symbiotic hybrid of a mouse and a desktop calculator. The X Mark I Mouse Slim, as the model is called, is therefore a (lucky?) combination of a numeric keypad and ...
Great times are in store for guitar enthusiasts. The Kemper Profiling Amplifier promises to be able to "profile" any sound sent through its electronic circuits. Which means, for example, that we will place a microphone in front of the (borrowed) Marshall full stack, which we will plug into...
The HP also fares well in business lines...erm...offices. How could you not? The recently introduced series of printers, which will attract not only home users but also those from the business sector, is promising. For capturing images of three-dimensional objects and scanning documents, the HP TopShot LaserJet Pro M275 ...
Sometimes we just wish that the phrase less is more was also true from time to time. Especially when it comes to home entertainment electronics. Harman Kardon's MAS 110 digital stereo system wants to convince us of just that. CD player, FM and silent digital radio receiver, clock with delay option...
Do we really need a robotic ball no bigger than our fist? No. Even if you could control it with smartphones (iOS, Android) via Bluetooth connection? Well, yes, maybe. Would you like something like that? The answer is Sphero. A plastic sphere the size of a baseball that can glow in any color, ...
... a soundbar from under the ingenious (robotic) fingers of Yamaha. The YAS-101 is a simple home theater system that offers us 7.1-channel surround sound (Air Surround Xtreme technology) with two built-in subwoofers (7.5 cm, 60 W), two tweeters (6.5 cm) and support so for Dolby...
As part of City Events, the Maxi store and City Magazine organized the first event of the year with the signature Maxi After Work Party - shoes & cocktail, which took place on Wednesday, October 12, in the renovated restaurant Romansa 1971. After a busy working day, we were able to go to relaxing in a renovated restaurant...
Kultna plesna šola Kazina skupaj z ekipo City Magazina pripravlja to jesen in zimo druženje ob različnih urbanih ritmih. Serija dogodkov se je sredi septembra začela s plesom, ki je zaznamoval in zaznamuje pop glasbo – street jazzom. Skupaj s koreografinjo Ado Kogovšek smo se spoznali z osnovami hip-hopa in jazz ...
Lep pozdrav vsem ljubiteljem lepih zgodbic!
Kot vsako, tudi to soboto, 15.10.2011 ob 10.00 uri, v otroški knjigarni Kres pod gradom prirejamo pravljično dogodivščino. Knjigo Čakam te, Rozalija bo tudi tokrat prebrala pravljičarka, gospa Jana Osojnik.
Le kaj bo z ...
We start at 18:00 in front of KŠŠ, where the action begins for...