At the invitation of the Slovenian Percussion Project and the Celje House of Culture, the famous Brazilian percussionist, composer and pedagogue Ney Rosauro is coming to Slovenia. The program will include the master's Serenade for orchestra and vibraphone and Concert no. 2 for...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
Ermin Međedović is the design manager and art editor of Delo newspaper. Years ago, he took care of the renovation of the newspaper's font, today he takes care of the entire newspaper. He knew from an early age that he would work in graphic design. He wasn't interested in football, he didn't want to be an astronaut or a pilot. He was interested in the wonderful world of letters and...
Asja Grauf. Flutist, teacher, lover of art and movement. She is in love with summer and warm days, which she would prefer to have all year round. He participates in various musical, artistic and theatrical projects. The musical part of the Libraries under the Canopies program was...
This time we will dance long into the night to the sounds of pop, soul and funky music from the skillful fingers of DJ Dekky. He will also be joined by a special guest, who is called the Slovenian Joe Cocker, Daniel Rampre. We can expect an explosive mix of the biggest pop-soul hits. Some will be sung live, others not, but all...
Domači predstavniki zanimive mešanice duba, hip-hopa in vseh ostalih kompatibilnih žanrov, Moveknowledgement, se vračajo s četrtim studijskim albumom, naslovljenim Pumpdown. Tokrat so se fantje poigrali z močnim kitarskim rifom in bolj prvinskim ritmom, rezultat pa so nekatere njihove avtorsko ...
Only a couple of years separates the Plavi Orkestar group from the round anniversary of its activity, which is enviable. The boys have been on the music scene for almost three decades and there is no sign of slowing down. The group was founded in 1983 in Sarajevo, as part of the Nju...
Kvartet sestavljajo mladi glasbeniki iz Furlanije-Julijske krajine. Repertoar temelji na izvirni avtorski glasbi, ki je preplet različnih glasbenih vplivov. Od odprtih zvočnosti Kennyja Wheelerja do swingovskih melodij, hitrih ritmov, zajedljivih funkovskih tonalitet in proste improvizacije. Na odru se jim bo pridružil odlični J. ...
Vabimo vas, da se v soboto 1. 10. 2011 udeležite enodnevnega ...
Our personal biorhythm is usually the one that dictates which asanas we perform at different times of the day. Some people prefer to practice yoga very early in the morning, others at sunset. Since an essential part of yoga practice is getting to know yourself, your body and perceiving all the different changes, the only real...
Novo sezono mini zmenkov bomo pričeli glasbeno obarvano.
Glasba spremlja ples in ples spremlja glasbo. Ob svetovnem dnevu glasbe bomo v Kazini pripravili kreativno plesno delavnico za otroke, stare med 4 in 8 let, kjer se bomo prepustili plesnim ritmom in se rekreirali s ...