The documentary-musical film presents rap music in Slovenia, from its origins to the present day. The predecessors of rap on Slovenian soil are revealed to us, and a walk through the regions shows how rap music developed in interdependence with the environment. In the musical part, all the most important rap creators in Slovenia are presented: Ali En, Ezy-G, ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
Humorna in inovativna stripovska zbirka predstavlja vidnejša dela slovenske kulture, podobno kot bi si jih predstavljal Garfield, če bi ga ta zanimala. Gre za nabor kratkih, satiričnih upodobitev, ki so jih stripovski ustvarjalci posvetili našim umetniškim dosežkom, poglavitnim umetniškim delom kot tudi ...
Vabljeni na Tek in hojo za življenje in radost, ki predstavljata osrednji del prireditve v okviru Evropskega dne darovanja.
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Normal 0 21 false false ...
The beautiful ambience of Filip's mansion and Lolita Confectionery will host urban art. As part of the event, we will be able to indulge in the masters of transformation in the Make-up designory style corner and admire two Frey Willa jewelry collections inspired by the famous Hundertwasser. With the sounds of flutist Asja Grauf and vices...
The cult dance school Kazina together with the City Magazine team is preparing this fall and winter a get-together with different urban rhythms. We will get to know the basics of hip hop and jazz ballet and learn some recognizable dance tricks that will get us noticed at parties and on the dance floor. Sign up on our website...
City Magazine is starting a new season of cooking academies, with an already established line-up. Kaval's master chefs and wine master Robert Gorjak from the Belvin wine school will continue to guide us through culinary destinations in the Siemens showroom. This time we will spice up the culinary rich autumn with mushrooms, chestnuts,...
As part of the "Sweet Istra 2011" project of the Municipality of Koper, the first event will begin on Friday, September 16, 2011, when the official opening of the Sweet Istra 2011 project will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Titovo trg and in the Loggia cafe in Koper. announced the winners of the contests "Let the Cake of Sweet Istria", ...
As part of the "Sweet Istra 2011" project of the Municipality of Koper, the first event will begin on Friday, September 16, 2011, when the official opening of the Sweet Istra 2011 project will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Titovo trg and in the Loggia cafe in Koper. announced the winners of the contests "Let the Cake of Sweet Istria", ...