The popular brand H & M proudly presents a new collaboration with a high-profile designer name. This time we will be able to dress in clothes and fashion accessories from the famous Italian fashion house Versace at reasonable prices. The collection will be designed by Donatella Versace herself, and will represent the vibrant history of this luxury brand. ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
In the middle of summer, when most of us haven't even seen summer vacation, Lisca was already thinking one season ahead. Namely, they presented the upcoming fashion trends of lingerie, swimwear, blouses and sleepwear for spring and summer 2012. And what does the future show? We will wear elegant and feminine lingerie, with many...
The fall seduction has already started in the New Yorker stores with the latest trends that we could also see on all the major catwalks. Fashion changes just like the weather, and when autumn arrives, it's colder but very colorful outside. And the clothes are just like that: they protect against the first cold winds and are extremely...
Let's forget about the typical materials that usually form jewelry. New ideas dictate new trends. Hana Karim has just produced a new autumn collection of ceramic jewelry that will impress in black, brick and white tones. Just right for this time of year. Rings, brooches and necklaces are both geometric and somewhat...
How else would you describe the precise Swiss movement, stainless steel bezel, white mother-of-pearl dial and scratch-resistant sapphire crystal other than perfection? The Generosi-T wristwatch made by Tissot is all that and more. As her name suggests, she is an elegant lady...
Blogs have definitely become a new modern medium in the fashion field as well. Slovenia is no exception, and in the flood of various blogs we can find some that are worth visiting several times. On for inspiration from the streets of Ljubljana, on for beautiful photos and on
Greetings to all lovers of good stories! On Wednesday, September 7, at 5:30 p.m., we invite you to the pleasant atmosphere of the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom for our traditional fairy tale hour, which will be followed by a creative workshop. We will read...
Z več kot tri tisoč udeleženci, med katerimi je vsaj sto predavateljev, je medijski festival Weekend Media že lansko jesen postal centralno zbirališče medijske in komunikacijske industrije. Med največjimi strokovnjaki se bomo letos srečali z blogerjem Jamesom Whatleyjem, ki sodeluje z londonskim podjetje,, ...
Vsi diplomanti Ekonomske fakultete bodo delili strokovne, poslovne in osebne izkušnje, obudili spomine ter se skupaj poveselili na ekskluzivnem srečanju v ljubljanskih Stožicah. Gre za največje srečanje ekonomistov kadarkoli, zato ga bosta med drugim popestrila skupina Siddharta in Vlado ...
The third Hiking Festival is taking place in Posočje, which, in addition to hiking tours, offers a glimpse into history and includes tours of natural, cultural and other attractions in the Soča River Valley and Triglav National Park. In this way, we can brighten up the autumn season with interesting events, tours of the priceless values of Posočje and...
Poster Festival Ljubljana '11 sestavljajo strokovna predavanja, štiri razstave, okrogla miza in filmske projekcije. Tokrat je fundacija Brumen določila temo festivala predvsem z namenom spodbujanja medsebojnega razumevanja in medkulturnega dialoga, s tem pa spodbuja tudi oblikovalce k inovativnim in kreativnim ...
Sklepni koncert letos izjemno bogatega Festivala Maribor nas bo s festivalskim orkestrom in z Zborom hrvaške radiotelevizije ponesel v drugo dimenzijo. Pridružili se jim bodo še solistke Aleksandra Zamojska, Read More