Kultna plesna šola Kazina skupaj z ekipo City magazina pripravlja to jesen in zimo druženje ob različnih urbanih ritmih. Serija dogodkov se bo začela s plesom, ki je zaznamoval in zaznamuje pop glasbo. Street jazz je pri svojih nastopih uporabljal Michael Jackson, nadgrajujejo pa ga zvezde, kot sta Britney Spears ali Justin ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
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Whitewater wakeboarders will compete for the third time at the kayaking range, conquering the Tacen rapids and impressing with their freestyle...
Trboveljska plesalca Luka Mravlje in Urban Tratnik, ki imata za seboj že veliko uspehov na tekmovanjih v tujini, pripravljata zdaj že drugi šov v uličnih plesih. Skupaj z gosti bosta predstavila najboljše, kar trenutno ponuja slovenska plesna scena v kategoriji modernih tekmovalnih ...
Grajska kavarna odpira vrata jesenskim zabavam. Vsak petek in soboto se bomo tako sproščali na izbranih glasbenih večerih. Ta vikend nas v petek pričakuje večer, poln soula, v soboto, 10. septembra, pa lahko odkrijemo svojo disko plat na večeru, polnem ...
This year, the salon of prestigious wines presents for the fifth time the winemakers and wines that won medals at the world's most prestigious wine evaluation Decanter DWWA 2011 in London. At the event, we will be able to taste award-winning wines and meet their creators personally, as they were invited as guests by the wine school...
The joint production of the Anton Podbevšek Theater and the Slovenian Youth Theater is also coming to the capital. Shakespeare's drama directed by Matjaž Berger promises a special experience because of the scene where it takes place. The director promises that the setting will be in the location of the premises of the equestrian center of the farm...
During the European basketball championship, visitors to the Citypark shopping center can also feel the sports enthusiasm. The exhibition European Basketball Championship Lithuania 2011 is intended to review the European championships with an emphasis on the performances of the Slovenian national team. The exhibition, which runs until the end...
Ada Kogovšek is a dancer. Dance is her way of life, which leads her down a very interesting path. He travels a lot, trains with dance masters and passes on his knowledge to his students at the Kazina dance school. The closest thing to it is the hip hop genre of dance in all its variations. Together we will be able to venture into the world of street...
As part of Maxi's renovation, the children's clothing department moved to an independent store in Maxi's arcade. Mini dresses for maxi characters with a renewed image invite you to see the new autumn-winter collections of renowned brands...
The exhibition Pablo Picasso: Years on the Cote d'Azur reveals to us the least explored area of the painter's oeuvre, the area of ceramics and objects made of gold and silver. The genius created ceramics in a spontaneous and playful way, similar to everything he undertook. Thus, vases, jugs, plates, ceramic tiles and other objects that...
PhotoArt.Si skupaj s fotografom Matjažem Tančičem, stilistko Majo Lazar in vizažistko Špelo Veble organizira delavnico modne fotografije, stiliziranja in vizažiranja. Vpogled v modni svet se ponuja petnajstim izbrancem, ki bodo z ekipo predebatirali svoje ideje, teden pozneje, 9. oktobra, pa jih izvedli z vso podporo ...