John Lennon, one of the founders of The Beatles, was shot on December 8, 1980. His musical career dates back to his early youth, and he finally became famous with The Beatles. After they broke up, he worked on solo projects that we still know very well today ('Imagine', 'Give Peace A Chance'...). Through his...
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Tony Rombola is an American musician who plays lead guitar for the hard rock band Godsmack. Guitar World magazine described him as an extraordinary guitarist and the only one who retained the original style of solos during the nu metal era. He also participates in the side project Another...
Martin Lancelot Barre, born on November 17, is an English rock musician. Barre has been the guitarist for Jethro Tull since 1969. His sound is a mix of Jeff Beck and Eric...
Na današnji dan praznuje rojstni dan Glen Buxton, originalni kitarist skupine Alice Cooper. Buxton je bil sopisec klasik kot 'School's Out', 'I'm Eighteen', 'Elected'... Leta 1997 je samo nekaj dni pred 50. rojstnim dnevom umrl zaradi ...
Robert Harry Kuykendall, poznan kot Bobby Dall se je rodil 2.11.1963. Je basist skupine Poison. ...
Na svetovni dan strašenja in spak tudi v Scratchu pripravljamo dogodek. Poleg dobrih akcij bomo večer popestrili s poslušanjem kultne skupine ...
Roger O'Donnell, ki danes (29.10) praznuje svoj rojstni dan je angleški klaviaturist skupine The Cure. O'Donnell je tudi sodeloval pri Psychedelic Furs, Thompson Twins in Berlin, prav tako ima pestro solo kariero. ...
Vintage Vikend ponosno odpira sezono lova na modne stile na robu izumrtja. Skupaj z Miss Vandelej, Emo Bavcon, 2nd Chance, Diva's Vintage Galerijo, Aka Neon Vintage Jewelry, Ab Fab, Atelier Indevin in portalom bomo v Cafe Metropolu v Ljubljani med 24. in 26. avgustom vsem zagretim lovcem ponudili v nakup celo bero ...
2-3.9.2011 (Petek, Sobota)
Jasa Dolenjske Toplice (Slovenija)
Tradicionalna srednjeveška prireditev na Starem gradu Celje.
petek, 26. avgust 2011, od 13.00:13.00 DELAVNICE IN ANIMACIJE ZA VELIKE IN MALE, celotno grajsko območje15.30 KOMIČNA IGRA VRAŽJI VITEZI (KUD Galiarda)19.00 LEGENDA O FRIDERIKU – ...
Vikend glasbe in zabave ob Šmartinskem jezeru!
Sobota, 3. september, od 15. ure: Harmonikarski orkester Pustotnik, Alpski kvintet, Ansambel Franca Miheliča, Jodel Express, Zoran Zorko & Band, Ansambel Svetlin, Veseli svatje, Igor in zlati zvoki, ZapeljivkePosebni gostje: Global Kryner, ...
As part of the series of Jazz concerts on Gornji trg, on Friday evening, 26.8. 2011, introduced Moonlight sky. Moonlight Sky is a group that has been exciting for several years with music characterized by genre diversity. It is a mixture of different musical tastes and styles, fusion jazz, ...