Joga v vsakdanjem življenju bo tudi letošnje poletje dejavna v mestnih parkih. Ob četrtkovih večerih organizira skupne vadbe, ki so primerne tudi za začetnike, skoraj v vsakem slovenskem mestu. Ob lepem vermenu lahko med drugim treniramo na tivolski zelenici med kopališčem in Jakopičevim sprehajališčem, v ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
The sailing school on Lake Ptuj for adults is conducted on the large J-24 sailboat, which measures 7.2 m in length. At the school, the participants acquire all the basic knowledge of sailing and master the knowledge of sailing and landing with a large boat and other maritime skills. The school is also intended...
Let's learn climbing with experienced climbers in Kobarid and the surrounding area. The climbing school is suitable for children and adults and is an ideal summer relaxation that combines socializing with activity. More information at: ...
Plesna šola Kazina letošnje poletje pleše kar na prostem, na velikem plesišču v središču mesta. Pridružimo se lahko kateremu izmed hitrih tečajev, kjer se bomo v enem dnevu naučili plesnega stila, ki nas zanima. Poplesavali bodo latinsko-ameriške plese, standardne plese, jazz balet, hip ...
Summer in Bukowica - Summer of passionFriday, 19 August 2011 at 21:00 The fourth performance of Rock Shock will bring the most current rock band in Slovenia to Bukovica - Elvis Jackson. A group that carried its concert energy practically throughout Europe. Elvises are distinguished by fun and...
Summer in Bukowca - Summer of passionThursday, 1/9/2011 at 20:00 The currently hottest and sought-after vocal group in our region has finished its American tour and is returning to European stages. But he is coming back in style with an outdoor concert in Bukovica. This summer in...
Summer in Bukowca 2011 - Summer of passion Friday, August 26, 2011 at 9 p.m. The Renče-Vogrsko Youth Society invited the notorious DJ starlet Niki Belucci, who is not only recognizable in the world for her stature, but also for the music with which she anchored herself in the top world famous DJs. Read More
House Passion, Wet Edition (Ian F, Mike Vale, Patt Ricks, Richie ...
Happy summer greetings to all young and old lovers of beautiful stories! Also this Wednesday, July 27, at half past six in the afternoon, we invite you to our children's bookstore Kres pod grado for a fairy-tale hour. This time we will read a picture book about a cute...
In the Salsaverde gallery in Izola, on Saturday, August 6, 2011, Mitje Fick's painting exhibition titled SMALL HOUSE, SMALL WORLD opens. The exhibition will be on display until September 17, 2011. - 1973 born in Murska Sobota (from Kamenščak near Ljutomer)... - ...
Prisrčen pozdrav ljubiteljem dobrih zgodbic!
V soboto, 23. julija, vas ob desetih dopoldne vabimo v prijeten ambient otroške knjigarne Kres pod gradom na našo tradicionalno pravljično urico. Izbrano knjigico Jaz že ne!, ki je iz knjižnega programa Založbe Kres, bo tudi tokrat prebrala izkušena ...
Cafe Tromostovje and Music Agency GIG invite you to musical evenings in the magical atmosphere of Ljubljanica and France Prešerno. In addition to excellent performances by music masters, you can also enjoy a varied gourmet offer. See you at Melodije Tromostovje! ~ IN CASE OF BAD WEATHER THE EVENT...