At the end of August, in September, a drop will crawl down your throat at the book and wine festival in Medana. Dreams will be a feast for the eyes, body and soul, and in addition to wine tastings from the Goriške Brde, literary events and unforgettable...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
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This is the fourth year that the stand-up laughter event has taken place. This year too, twenty-four comedians will entertain us in four evenings. As usual, the local comedians will be joined by guests from...
The performing arts festival, which is open to genres and generations, will be a fun, fresh and colorful event again this year, which will take Ljubljana from summer to autumn. Ten days of festival atmosphere will be shaped by debutant and already established creators from all over the world, from Japan to Africa. The plays are full of metaphors, but very…
Vsak večer bomo lahko prisluhnili t. i. jazz-sessionom, kjer se bodo predstavili študentje ter mentorji delavnic. V sredo, 17. avgusta 2011, bo na sporedu Jazzon Aple-Adria, kjer se bodo predstavili skladateljski nagrajenci, ter koncert najboljših kompozicij iz Slovenije, Avstrije in Hrvaške, ki so se uvrstile v ...
Hrvaška Ibiza poleg številnih dogodkov elektronske glasbe v klubu Aquarius gosti tridnevni Moonsplash festival. Znova bo nastopil italijanski velikan elektronske glasbe Benny Benassi, ameriški producent plesnih uspešnic Afrojack ter ljubljenec občinstva Fedde le ...
Iz obetavnega trboveljskega Šklabfesta in ajdovskih Njokov se je rodil največji punk rock festival v regiji. Postavljen na čudovito festivalsko lokacijo sotočja Tolminke in Soče zagotavlja nepozaben počitniški vikend. Nastopile bodo največje svetovne punk rock zvezde, na čelu z NOFX in Bad Religion. Prvič bomo v ...
During the peak tourist season, Rab is flooded with crowds eager for good fun and challenging rhythms. The festival is a unique event on the Adriatic, which every year attracts famous names and many hot ...
The association of musicians and music lovers will present at the Alter-art festival a varied selection of performers from the field of amateur culture, alternative youth subculture and, of course, "serious" culture. Various young alternative music groups from Idrija, Slovenia and abroad present themselves at the festival. Besides...
Na velikem odru festivala bomo letos med drugimi slišali skupine: Dizzie Rascal, Good Charlotte, Kate Nash, La Roux, Pulp, The Prodigy, Chemical Brothers, Skunk Anansie in didžeje, kot so Richie Hawtin, Above & Beyond, Christian Varela, Dubfire, Empire of the Sun, Technasia in Kid ...
This year, the oldest Slovenian old music festival, the Radovljica Festival, will take place on the 29th. Musicians from Slovenia and nine foreign countries will once again present various reconstructions of old music and some new works. Among other things, we will listen to Swedish folk music, arias and dances from the operas of Jean...
A three-day concert of popular Slovenian and foreign musical groups will brighten up the youth get-together by the warm Kolpa and the Schengen border. Bijelo Dugme, Jinx, Vlado Kreslin, Pankrti, Niet, Edo Maajka, SARS and others will perform. Ticket price: 49 euros for three days. With a bit of luck, you can also get tickets at...
Nepogrešljivi festival poletnega utripa Ljubljane, ki na in pod odrom združuje ljubitelje in tudi zahtevnejše občinstvo glasbe, gledališča, razstav in filmskih projekcij, pri čemer niso izvzeti niti najmlajši. Vstop je ...