The already traditional Veronika evenings at the Old Castle of Celje will appeal to us this summer with the musical styles of colorful cultural environments. The festival program offers a comprehensive experience of themed evenings with culinary delights and ambiance under the stars. An American, French, Argentinian and Slovenian evening awaits us. ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
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The Bračko family - mother Sabrina, father Davor and daughters Sara and Maša - is an everyday family. In August, they returned from a one-year wandering around the world. At the time of departure, Sara was ten years old, and Maša was five. They had a one-way ticket to Malaysia in their pocket, four days worth of clothes in their backpack and a list in their mind...
For his thirtieth birthday, Dejan Glavnik made a final decision: around the world by bicycle. On April 22, 2006, accompanied by friends, he left Slovenia and wanders around the world to this day. He is currently located somewhere in the Balkans, and on July 22nd he is returning home after five years and three months. And with the same...
This summer, Ljubljana will once again host the international festival Mini Summer, which is mainly intended for children and those who are close to art for children. In addition to puppet and theater performances, our little ones will be occupied by various workshops, from medieval to workshops within the European Baby Lion project...
Every Monday evening at 6 p.m., our little ones are waiting for Children's Hours at the City Beach in Celje. There, in the company of their peers, they will draw, paint, listen to fairy tales and have a lot of fun with the help of an organized game. Entry is...
All activities and programs adapted to the age of the children are carried out by professionally qualified sports workers. In the morning they will indulge in a whirlwind of sports activities, such as football, tennis, basketball, dancing and fun at the pool, and in the afternoon they will be busy with various workshops. Price: from 79 to 109...
Children and their families are invited to an unforgettable birthday with a large musical stage, creative workshops and learning about nature. Price: according to the Volčji Arboretum price list...
All sports enthusiasts between the ages of 7 and 17 can take part in the hockey camp organized by Terme 3000. In addition to field hockey, young people will also play social games and swim in...
Aktivne počitnice čakajo tudi na otroke iz Domžal in okolice. Dopoldne se bomo podali novim dogodivščinam naproti, z obilico športa in s športnimi delavnicami. Hkrati pa se bomo tudi zabavali z bolj nevsakdanjimi športi, kot so kriket, bejzbol in frizbi. Cena: od 100 do 130 ...
Krajše počitnice, ki niso samo polne užitkov, temveč tudi zelo poučne, organizira Javni zavod Mladi zmaji. Tridnevni oddih na Zazidu bo poln različnih delavnic na temo recikliranja ter športa in družabnih iger. Cena tabora: 20 ...
Tudi letošnje poletje se bo v vasi Soča, natančneje v Kampu Korita Bovec, odvijal Kameleonov Ekokamp za otroke. Tridnevni izobraževalni kamp bo najmlajše na zabaven način spoznal z ekologijo in naravi prijaznim načinom življenja. Tako si bodo na primer sami pripravili zajtrk in večerjo, ločevali odpadke in iz ...
V Tehniškem muzeju Slovenije so skupaj z dislocirano enoto Muzeja pošte in telekomunikacij ter Železniškim muzejem pripravili program zanimivega preživljanja počitnic za otroke od sedmega leta dalje. Šolarji bodo tako spoznavali muzejske zbirke in razstave v Bistri, Polhovem Gradcu in Ljubljani, ...