JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
Greetings to all lovers of beautiful stories! On the occasion of Father's Day (June 18), we decided in the children's bookstore Kres pod gradom that the Saturday fairy hour will be held in the name of fathers. This time we will read two short stories, namely Medvedka Metka - Zvezdica za očka and Smurchuh.
The Mestna plaža space, which imaginatively connects the river and the grassy area and extends all the way to the children's playground, has become an extremely popular gathering place for the people of Celje and, in the last two years, also a recognizable event venue: Thursday, June 16, 6 p.m. MESTNA PLAŽA...
Nadebudne kuharice in kuharji, ljubitelji marmelade in zdrave, domače hrane, vabimo vas, da se nam pridružite na sladkih in zabavnih Marmeladnicah. To so posebne delavnice, kjer se lahko ...
Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje vas z veseljem obvešča o predstavitvi serije kratkih filmov o sodobni slovenski arhitekturi, ki bodo del obsežne poletne razstave Oblikovanje republike.Arhitektura ni statična, temveč dinamična, živa stvar. Podobno je film zelo primeren medij za reprezentiranje in ...
Lučaj od mestnega vrveža, a še vedno dovolj blizu mestnemu jedru, se nahaja restavracija Na Brinju. Z več kot petdesetimi leti tradicije bomo v gostilni deležni vrhunske domače hrane, ki jo spretno nadgrajujejo z okusi in s trendi moderne kuhinje. Tako si lahko privoščimo omamno dišeče domače juhe, ...
Pri pekarni Blatnik se trudijo oživeti stara mestna jedra, obnoviti propadajoče kulturne spomenike in nekdaj mogočne stavbe znova približati ljudem. Prav slednje so storili z odprtjem nove HappyHiše v središču Maribora. Poleg konceptne trgovine, ki premore vse pekovske dobrote in slaščice, po katerih slovi ...
All those who would like to eat well until the end of their days must visit Grad Tabor Laško. The wonderful location above the city and at the foot of Hum takes us to a fairytale world of excellent culinary delights. The restaurant is located in a larger quadrangular tower. It was recently reopened by Marko Pavčnik,...
Mischievous, playful, inventive, smiling, bold, different and "guilty" of unique jewelry. Designer Erika Felicijan is hiding behind Patsy. She exchanged regular employment and gray everyday life for following her own creative path. In addition to pampering five-legged friends, Patsy helps promote the Theater for Babies and Toddlers and is active...
The concert of Italian rocker Zuccher has been postponed both in terms of date and location. So he will perform at the end of June in Križanke. This way, we have time to secure our svtopnica and a place in front of the Križanka stage. In his recognizable manner, Zucchero will present his hits, both old and new, and prove to us that...
Ekipa Dance Republic nam spet pripravlja pravo plesno poslastico, če se z veseljem prepuščamo elektronskim ritmom dolgo v noč. Na Open Air festivalu konec meseca junija bomo lahko dodobra ogreli svoje plesne noge pred poletjem. Nosilec tokratnega festivala pod milim nebom bo drugačni, edinstveni in prepričljivi Deadmau5. ...