Če bi naredili kratek povzetek nove Sony Bravie (KDL-46HX820) že takoj na začetku, bi bil videti nekako takole: 117 cm (46 palčni) 3D-televizor Full HD s tehnologijo Dynamic Edge LED, Motionflow XR 400, Wi-Fi s storitvijo Internet Video in Skype. A vendarle ga še nekoliko razširimo. Z ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
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And we're already halfway to getting the earTones in-ear headphones from iSkin. At first glance, the earTones are just another in a line of different types of headphones for portable audio devices. However, they are the first such headphones to be coated with a special Microban coating. ...
After the exhibition Oskar Karel Dolenc: Black and White 1960-2010, Dr. Damir Globočnik. The exhibition presents Dolenč's black-and-white oeuvre, accompanied by a monograph. Damir Globočnik (b. 1964) is a doctor of art historical sciences, museum councilor and art critic. He published the following books: 12 Angry...
Na delavnici se bomo spoznali z različnimi vrstami in funkcijami parkov ter skupaj razmišljali o parkih in njihovih uporabnikih v Ljubljani in še zlasti v Fužinah. Viharili bomo ideje o tem, kaj vse bi se lahko dogajalo v Muzejskem parku, komu vse bi lahko bil namenjen in skušali upodobiti, kako bi bilo zato ...
Letošnji tradicionalni mednarodni obrtno podjetniški sejem PRIMORSKI SEJEM se bo letos odvijal že 18 – tič in sicer v ustaljenem terminu tik pred poletno sezono, 2. – 5. JUNIJ-a 2011 v dvorani BONIFIKA v Kopru in njeni bližnji okolici. Sejem ...
Sodeluj s svojo fotografijo ali glasuj za tisto, ki ti je najbolj všeč! Rok za oddajo fotografij in glasov je 10. 6. 2011.
Žirija: Arne Hodalič, Meta Krese in Jaka Adamič.
Fotografski natečaj je simbolno namenjen prikazu lepot držav iz katerih prihajajo begunci, držav iz katerih pogosto vidimo samo krute ...
At the City Cooking Academy in May, together in the Siemens showroom, we learned the aromatic secrets of white and black tubers, which are considered pearls in the culinary world, together with a team of Kaval chefs. Zelena spoiled us with excellent natural products...
KAL is an explosive mix of a band with an energetic rock'n'roll attitude, with roots in sad Balkan blues, wildly playing Roma music and flirting with a dance beat. The group consists of top Serbian musicians who explore the treasury of Romani music and mix it with the most modern...
Vabljeni na skupinski Vzajemnin tekSpremenimo besede v dejanja ...Vzajemna vas v sodelovanju s prof. dr. Brankom Škofom vabi na 1. brezplačni ...
From June 2 to 17, an exhibition of wire portraits by the artist Branet Širca will be on view in the center of Ljubljana, in the area of Hribarjev nabrežje, Čevljarski most, Jurčičev trg and in the Ars Gallery. ...