Repyartrium je pred letom dni prvič spremenil nekdanji tunel ozkotirne železnice, ki povezuje Portorož in Strunjan, v galerijo, ki lahko sprejme 1,1 kilometra razstave, saj je predor dolg 550 metrov. Letošnje leto postaja razstava prvič mednarodna, saj bodo razstavljana dela iz tujine. Razstava, druženje in ...
JoinedSeptember 3, 2013
Editor is a generic username used by the quick fingers of a webmaster. He mostly writes about those quick things that you absolutely need to know right away.
In Brdy, the celebration of the long-awaited spring fruit will take place over three weekends. From May 27 to 29, the central scene will be the medieval village Šmartno with rich cultural events. On June 4, the selection of the queen of cherries will take place and, of course, a party with music and culinary delights, with...
On the occasion of its fiftieth anniversary, Danile Kumar Elementary School prepared an interesting program that will be held almost until the end of the calendar year. At the end of May, we can take part in a variety of creative corners, workshops, a book tea party, a lucky draw with the little ones... During the morning we will be able to learn Greek...
Mestno plažo Laguna, ki je že šesto leto zapored najboljše bazensko kopališče v Sloveniji, lahko brezplačno izkoristimo za "pokušino" poletja. Zadnji soboto in nedeljo v maju bosta potekala dneva odprtih vrat s posebnim programom. Brezplačno poležavanje, srkanje osvežilne pijače, kopanje in ...
On Youth Day, the excellent Alenka Tetičković will perform the mono-stand-up drama Pink, directed by Iztok Valič. The work is about Janice growing up in the socialist seventies of the last century and about the embarrassments that come with teenage years. A fat woman, a young woman, a hippie, a punk, a pioneer and...
The biggest breakdance spectacle will be hosted by two-time national champions, two-time European champions and three-time winners of the international competition in the Netherlands, and three more world-renowned breakers will be invited as guests, who will play the role of judges and lead workshops for all participating breakers. At ...
The Isolacinema festival takes place again just before the start of summer. For the festival of African, Asian, Latin American and Eastern European films, around fifteen selected creators are preparing their cases, who will present themselves with feature films. These are joined by filmmakers in seven festival sections,...
Bice Curiger, an art historian from Zurich, known for many controversial exhibitions, is putting on the most high-profile art exhibition on a global scale this year. A huge number of artists are exhibiting on the theme of Illuminations in the pavilions of individual countries, and the exhibitions are complemented by numerous accompanying...
Central aviation meeting with the presentation of aircraft and aviation technology, as we knew it from the beginning of aviation history in Slovenia, between the two wars, during the former common state, to the most modern modern aircraft and aviation groups. On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of Slovenia and the CIS, the entire flight program will include 20 flight points...
This year's music conference is also one of the biggest music and entertainment events of this spring in the Adriatic Sea area. The event, which consists of lectures and workshops and exclusive evening parties at four locations, will be visited by The Shapeshifters, ...
Eva Puhar is best known for its bright products that color our everyday life; such are, for example, the wooden boxes she made as gifts. In her new works, the young professor of fine arts maintained her optimism and joy for life. This can be seen mainly in the playful interweaving of motifs from different spheres, ...
We will taste the sugar of the Italian and world music scene with all the legendary hits that have accompanied us for decades. He is best known for his collaboration with his idol Joe Cocker, with whom he performed at several concerts and together sang an incredible version of the song With a Little Help From My Friends. These are...